I think the problem might have been related to my question.
If the user shuts down StarBurn 12, it restarts with EXPERT MODE turned OFF. If you forget then forget to turn Expert Mode back ON, you have AGAIN burned more information to your disk without closing out the disk.
The fact that rcampbell12 finalized the disk but only sees part of the data means that he has installed multiple tracks instead of laying all the data on one track.
(In order to view disks on my TV player, the disk MUST be closed - no multi-session or multi-track.)
SO MY QUESTION IS - How can I permanently turn ON the EXPERT MODE?
Registry tweak or startup parameters would be great if there is NO easy way to do it. This is a MUST have for me.
It seems that with version 12 you have taken 2 steps forward and one step back. I love being able to figure out what files I want using the Micro$oft file manager and then dragging and dropping them into SB-12, that works great! Unfortunately this Expert/NonExpert mode thing is frustrating because I am forever forgetting NOT to turn it on!
It would be great if you had some kind of setup - configuration - preference option.
I really like your product(s) and have been using it since Feb 2007. (Which is my problem because I have not had to worry about Expert ON/OFF for the last 28 months
