Hello Dima Sir, I am using StarBurnX, DataBurner class to burn data on disc. [Developing in VB.NET 2005 & Referring sample provided with SDK] My Requirement: I want burn data on R/W disc. If the disc is not empty then call disc erasing from code, without giving any type of error or without ejecting drive & continue erasing followed by burning. What should I do to fulfill my requirement?
I have tried following things in a sample created by using the sample provided SDK and facing a problem discussed in step 6. Steps followed: 1) After adding 500 MB data, I want to burn data on inserted Moserbear R/W DVD. This DVD is already having some 200 MB data on it. 2) For burning it, I am checking the disc type & disc status. 3) If it is R/W DVD with status Incomplete then I am erasing [in quick mode(for reducing time required for burning)] it from my code. 4) After completing erasing, I have to call DiscInfo.Refresh() to refresh the disc information fetched by application. [With condition: I don't want to eject the drive.] 5) Now after this step, I am calling DataBurner.Burn(...). Problem: 6) The problem is some times the call in step 4 for Refreshing disc information fails & in this case in above step 5 in DataBurner.Burn Disc has no free space this error comes up.
Am I doing anything wrong? Will you kindly tell me how to fulfill my requirement.