I have just downloaded you SDK for trial use with Delphi 7. I have built the VideoBurner.exe sample project OK. I now modified this project to show me the value of 'StarBurn_GetDVDPadding' and it is 'True' even though it is not set anywhere in the sample code. Is this the default?
When I burn a Video DVD with only 174MB of data, the session closes quite quilcky and the ammount of burn area on the disk after burning suggests that the padding is not being written.
I then modified the sample so that the 'GlobalCallback' function in sbUtils now contains CN_DVD_MEDIA_PADDING_SIZE, CN_DVD_MEDIA_PADDING_BEGIN, CN_DVD_MEDIA_PADDING_END and CN_DVD_MEDIA_PADDING_WRITE_PROGRESS in its "case ACALLBACK_NUMBER of" however none of these callback numbers are ever returned.
If I set padding using 'StarBurn_SetDVDPadding( True )', I still get no padding and no callbacks. Why is the Padding not working?
(I an using the file StarBurn.dll V12.0.0.272 from \Starburn\Bin\Core\StarBurn Core\libcmt\Release\i386 in with my sample executable)
Best Regard