Hello Anton Sir,
Thank you for reply.
1) Protection System:
Actually in V10 & V10.5 of StarBurnX, Protection System property for discInfo was not available. It is newly added in V12.
After some basic checks, now I am about re-work to included all these newly added features in V12 like DVDProtectionSystem, DVDRegionMask.
2) As suggested now in your post, I will first check for Protection System if it is present I will skip image creation. Thank you.
Question I:
3) Related to above post & log, the disc I am using for image creation is not protected. (neither CSS nor CPPM nor ARccOS)
4) But yes there is bad sector on this Video DVD, becuase of which I am not able to play it on DVD player/PC. Even I cannot back-it up on blank DVD.
Question II:
5) Now I have second question,
How to detect a DVD has ARccOS protection. I am not having any DVD of that type, so cannot tell what happens in V12 StarBurnX, but this type of protection system is not listed in DVD_PROTECTION_TYPE enum, so I wonder how I am going to deal with that.
Question III:
6) And my last question is what about the following question which I asked you in last post.
"One more major problem I found for various disc+drive combinations. Even the problem is simulated for this disc also.
The problem is diveInfo.MaxReadSpeed & driveInfo.MaxWriteSpeed is reported as lowest supported read & write speeds.
In this case 5 different supported speed values are there.(16x, 12x,.., 2x) But MaxReadSpeed is reported as lowest (2x, 2770 Kbps).
Is there any problem?"

NOTE: I can see through StarBurnX log MaxReadSpeed is properly reported as 22160 KBps. But don't know why I am getting that as 2770 Kbps.