Hello Dima Sir,
1. I am using StarBurnX v12(just updated to StarBurnX_v12_300_20101122 and was using StarBurnX_v12_160_20100401 before this)[referring VB.NET samples].
2. While checking newer version V12_300, I found following behavior and same was observed in V12_160.
3. Scenario:
a. I inserted a disc in the drive. Then launched a sample which accesses DiscInformation for the drive with disc.
b. Every thing is right till now. I just printed DiscLabel on console on Print button click. It was printed. OK.
c. Now I ejected the drive. As disc is not in the drive, I have to refresh the information. So on sample form I have Refresh button, which refreshes disc information by drive.DiscInformation.Refresh(). OK
d. Now, as DiscInformation is refreshed. I am again printing DiscLabel by clicking Print button. My expectation is Nothing should be printed.
e. But this time also previous Disc's DiscLabel was printed. After investing for the problem, I came to know that DiscInformation of previous disc is retained. It was not refreshed for this case.
Is this normal/problem/something is wrong from my side? I checked the same in Major release V12('Trident II' Build 2010-01-10). Everything is fine in that version means DiscLabel was printed as "" even DiscInformation was not showing previous values.
Is the problem clear to you? If not I will discuss it again.
Thank you. I am waiting for your reply.