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 Post subject: Starburnx in delphi 2010 Eolesyserror
PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:27 am 

Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:01 am
Posts: 3

We are currently evaluating the starburn sdk for our products, i am trying to use the starburnx wrapper to simplify the development, but sadly when i try to build the project every time i get a eolesyserror B756C224-A1EA-44F8-95C1-9F726040C800 which is the starburnx class.

The project refuses to run, but i can run it outside of the ide but well that's unusable, to make it even harder to troubleshoot starburnx will not generate the log file.

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Starburnx1.InitializeEx('',STARBURN_TRANSPORT_SPTD );
starburnx1.Debugfacility:=STARBURN_DEBUG_FACILITY_FILE ;

The gathered exception info =

<Group ID="2" Label="Exception">
<Line ID="2.1" Label="Date" Value="Wed, 1 Jun 2011 11:39:23 +0200"/>
<Line ID="2.2" Label="Address" Value="00525BA8"/>
<Line ID="2.3" Label="Module Name" Value="Project1.exe"/>
<Line ID="2.4" Label="Module Version" Value=""/>
<Line ID="2.5" Label="Type" Value="EOleSysError"/>
<Line ID="2.6" Label="Message" Value="De server heeft een uitzondering geretourneerd, ClassID: {B756C224-A1EA-44F8-95C1-9F726040C800}."/>
<Line ID="2.7" Label="ID" Value="AF19"/>
<Line ID="2.8" Label="Count" Value="1"/>
<Line ID="2.9" Label="Status" Value="New"/>
<Line ID="2.10" Label="Note" Value=""/>

<ExceptionThread ID="964" Priority="0" Class="" MainThread="True">
<Line Address="77697012" Module="ntdll.dll" Unit="" Class="" Procedure="KiUserExceptionDispatcher" Number="" Offset=""/>
<Line Address="7587E310" Module="KERNELBASE.dll" Unit="" Class="" Procedure="GetFileAttributesW" Number="" Offset=""/>
<Line Address="77696262" Module="ntdll.dll" Unit="" Class="" Procedure="NtQueryVirtualMemory" Number="" Offset=""/>
<Line Address="75878EB5" Module="KERNELBASE.dll" Unit="" Class="" Procedure="VirtualQueryEx" Number="" Offset=""/>
<Line Address="75878E9E" Module="KERNELBASE.dll" Unit="" Class="" Procedure="VirtualQueryEx" Number="" Offset=""/>
<Line Address="75878EDF" Module="KERNELBASE.dll" Unit="" Class="" Procedure="VirtualQuery" Number="" Offset=""/>
<Line Address="763B76D6" Module="kernel32.dll" Unit="" Class="" Procedure="VirtualQuery" Number="" Offset=""/>
<Line Address="763B64FF" Module="kernel32.dll" Unit="" Class="" Procedure="GetFileAttributesW" Number="" Offset=""/>
<Line Address="763ABF00" Module="kernel32.dll" Unit="" Class="" Procedure="GetLastError" Number="" Offset=""/>
<Line Address="77684CC0" Module="ntdll.dll" Unit="" Class="" Procedure="memcpy" Number="" Offset=""/>
<Line Address="0052830B" Module="Project1.exe" Unit="StarBurnXLib_TLB.pas" Class="TStarBurnX" Procedure="Connect" Number="4988" Offset="3"/>
<Line Address="005283C8" Module="Project1.exe" Unit="StarBurnXLib_TLB.pas" Class="TStarBurnX" Procedure="GetDefaultInterface" Number="5010" Offset="2"/>
<Line Address="005283B8" Module="Project1.exe" Unit="StarBurnXLib_TLB.pas" Class="TStarBurnX" Procedure="GetDefaultInterface" Number="5008" Offset="0"/>
<Line Address="00528873" Module="Project1.exe" Unit="StarBurnXLib_TLB.pas" Class="TStarBurnX" Procedure="InitializeEx" Number="5076" Offset="1"/>
<Line Address="00528850" Module="Project1.exe" Unit="StarBurnXLib_TLB.pas" Class="TStarBurnX" Procedure="InitializeEx" Number="5075" Offset="0"/>
<Line Address="00529B5C" Module="Project1.exe" Unit="Unit1.pas" Class="TForm1" Procedure="FormCreate" Number="38" Offset="1"/>
<Line Address="00530E55" Module="Project1.exe" Unit="Project1.dpr" Class="" Procedure="" Number="14" Offset="3"/>
<Line Address="763B3C43" Module="kernel32.dll" Unit="" Class="" Procedure="GetModuleFileNameW" Number="" Offset=""/>

<Line Address="" Command="" Comment=" ComObj.CreateComObject (Line=0 - Offset=0)"/>
<Line Address="" Command="" Comment=" ------------------------------------------"/>
<Line Address="00525B80" Command="mov [ebp-$14], eax" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525B83" Command="mov byte ptr [ebp-$10], $11" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525B87" Command="lea edx, [ebp-$1C]" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525B8A" Command="mov ecx, $00000001 " Comment=" &#039;&#039;..."/>
<Line Address="00525B8F" Command="mov eax, $00525BFC " Comment=" &#039;%&#039;"/>
<Line Address="00525B94" Command="call SysUtils.Format" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525B99" Command="mov ecx, [ebp-$0C]" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525B9C" Command="mov dl, $01" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525B9E" Command="mov eax, dword ptr [ComObj.ComObj]" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525BA3" Command="call ComObj.EOleSysError.Create" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525BA8" Command="call Project1.System._RaiseExcept " Comment=" &#060;-- EXCEPTION"/>
<Line Address="00525BAD" Command="call Project1.System._DoneExcept" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525BB2" Command="xor eax, eax" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525BB4" Command="pop edx" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525BB5" Command="pop ecx" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525BB6" Command="pop ecx" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525BB7" Command="mov fs:[eax], edx" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525BBA" Command="push $00525BD7 " Comment=" &#039;_^[&#139;&#229;]&#195;&#039;"/>
<Line Address="00525BBF" Command="lea eax, [ebp-$20]" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525BC2" Command="call Project1.System._UStrClr" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525BC7" Command="lea eax, [ebp-$0C]" Comment=""/>
<Registers EAX="00852C98" EBX="00852CC0" ECX="00525500" EDX="00525BAD" EDI="0012FDCC" ESI="00000000" ESP="0012F7A0" EIP="00525BA8"/>
<Line Address="0012F7A0" Value="00000000"/>
<Line Address="0012F7A4" Value="00525A85"/>
<Line Address="0012F7A8" Value="00852CC0"/>
<Line Address="0012F7AC" Value="0012F8AC"/>
<Line Address="0012F7B0" Value="0012F7D8"/>
<Line Address="0012F7B4" Value="0012F7E4"/>
<Line Address="0012F7B8" Value="00000000"/>
<Line Address="0012F7BC" Value="00000000"/>
<Line Address="0012F7C0" Value="00000000"/>
<Line Address="0012F7C4" Value="776971B9"/>
<Line Address="0012F7C8" Value="0012F8AC"/>
<Line Address="0012F7CC" Value="0012FDCC"/>
<Line Address="0012F7D0" Value="0012F8DC"/>
<Line Address="0012F7D4" Value="0012F880"/>
<Line Address="0012F7D8" Value="0012FDCC"/>
<Line Address="0012F7DC" Value="776971CD"/>
<Line Address="00525BA8" Bytes="E8 BF 03 EE FF E8 7E 04 EE FF 33 C0 5A 59 59 64" Chars="......~...3.ZYYd"/>
<Line Address="00525BB8" Bytes="89 10 68 D7 5B 52 00 8D 45 E0 E8 39 1B EE FF 8D" Chars="..h.[R..E..9...."/>
<Line Address="00525BC8" Bytes="45 F4 E8 31 1B EE FF C3 E9 F3 01 EE FF EB E8 5F" Chars="E..1..........._"/>
<Line Address="00525BD8" Bytes="5E 5B 8B E5 5D C3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00" Chars="^[..]..........."/>
<Line Address="00525BE8" Bytes="C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 46 B0 04 02 00 FF FF FF FF" Chars=".......F........"/>
<Line Address="00525BF8" Bytes="0F 00 00 00 25 00 73 00 2C 00 20 00 43 00 6C 00" Chars="....%.s.,. .C.l."/>
<Line Address="00525C08" Bytes="61 00 73 00 73 00 49 00 44 00 3A 00 20 00 25 00" Chars="a.s.s.I.D.:. .%."/>
<Line Address="00525C18" Bytes="73 00 00 00 55 8B EC 83 C4 A4 53 56 57 33 DB 89" Chars="s...U.....SVW3.."/>
<Line Address="00525C28" Bytes="5D A8 89 5D A4 89 4D F0 8B F2 8B D8 8D 45 F4 8B" Chars="]..]..M......E.."/>
<Line Address="00525C38" Bytes="15 94 F1 41 00 E8 EA 27 EE FF 33 C0 55 68 66 5D" Chars="...A...&#039;..3.Uhf]"/>
<Line Address="00525C48" Bytes="52 00 64 FF 30 64 89 20 83 3D D4 9A 53 00 00 75" Chars="R.d.0d. .=..S..u"/>
<Line Address="00525C58" Bytes="17 8B 0D 08 9C 53 00 B2 01 A1 94 E1 40 00 E8 A9" Chars=".....S......@..."/>
<Line Address="00525C68" Bytes="2F EF FF E8 FC 02 EE FF 8D 45 DC 33 C9 BA 10 00" Chars="/........E.3...."/>
<Line Address="00525C78" Bytes="00 00 E8 B9 EF ED FF 8B C3 E8 EE 18 EE FF 89 45" Chars="...............E"/>
<Line Address="00525C88" Bytes="E0 56 BE 74 5D 52 00 8D 7D CC A5 A5 A5 A5 5E 8D" Chars=".V.t]R..}.....^."/>
<Line Address="00525C98" Bytes="45 CC 89 45 F4 8D 45 F8 E8 03 49 EE FF 33 C0 89" Chars="E..E..E...I..3"/>

Anyone ?

or is the wrapper not usable in d2010.


W Wijnia
Avesis BV
The netherlands
[email protected]

 Post subject: Re: Starburnx in delphi 2010 Eolesyserror
PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:13 am 

Joined: Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:44 am
Posts: 609

1) At the first, the Debugfacility and DebugFileNam properties should be initialized before calling the Initialize(Ex) function;

2) As the StarBurnX is COM object it should be registered ( you may use the regsvr32 utility );

3) Is Delphi 2010 the .NET based environment? If yes - you should specify the target platform [ x86, x64 ] for your application!! Do not use the 'ANY CPU' platform!!



 Post subject: Re: Starburnx in delphi 2010 Eolesyserror
PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:40 pm 

Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:01 am
Posts: 3
hello Thank u for your answer,

I reinstalled my development machine and the problem with the olesys error is gone now, but i still have some issues when i import the starburnx12.dll i get a warning from d2010 that component tsession can't be registered becouse it's already installed in embarcado bde db components (the standard component of codegear) so i disabled the bde db package of codegear (which i rather would not do). After i disable this i get some 12 components and the starburnx component.

Then i tried a simple test but what ever i tried the log files where not generated i altered the code like u suggested. Also becouse there where no delphi examples with starburnx i converted the vb one to test a simple function. But for example as stated in the help files and the samples starburnx.drives doesn't exist also starburnx.refresh doesn't. This before and after the reinstall.

I have a feeling something isn't going right and maybe it's wiser to abbandon this path.

The next question is, as i already have implemented the needed code with api calls in d2010 and this seems to work fine, and there are no examples of starburnx and delphi will u support starburnx in delphi or is it better to take the api call way ?.

 Post subject: Re: Starburnx in delphi 2010 Eolesyserror
PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 11:28 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:03 am
Posts: 4089
Location: British Virgin Islands
Calling API directly is preferred way to use StarBurn with Delphi. OCX is too clumsy (with Delphi) and we've dropped idea to have VCL as there's virtually no market for it any more.

 Post subject: Re: Starburnx in delphi 2010 Eolesyserror
PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 5:01 pm 

Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:01 am
Posts: 3
Ok thank u, i will indeed abandon the ocx way, and concentrate on api calls. We are in the progress of replacing a competing product which has a vcl. So i had hoped the progress would be very simple.

This will take some more time, especially as the d 2009 examples could have used some more comment lines :wink:

 Post subject: Re: Starburnx in delphi 2010 Eolesyserror
PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 6:28 am 

Joined: Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:44 am
Posts: 609

The StarburnX class provides two interfaces - IStarBurnX and IStarBurnX2. The Refresh method and Drives properties provided by IStarBurnX interface. I'm not the Delphi programmer but I suppose that IStarBurnX interface is invisible for your code! Its strange because IStarBurnX interface is based for IStarBurnX2 interface.


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