I'm evaluating C++ StarBurn Core SDK (13.1 - Hellfire) to replace our current CD/DVD burning SDK. I've been going through documentation and samples to see if it meets our requirements. At first glance, it seems it has all features we want but I am having problems finding one thing.
How do you stream data to the UDF format disc on the fly without creating any intermediate image or file?
The way our app works is:
- application sends data to be burned on the disc in buffer as it reads from source
- current DVD burning sdk initializes disc to be written in UDF format, starts session (or import if needed), and then keep writing whatever data it receives directly to the the disc, returns with number of bytes successfully written.
We have to use UDF because file can be much larger than 2GB quite often.
Looks like StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_TrackAtOnceFromPipe() is what we need but there is no detail information or practical example of its use. Help page of this function lists "p__HANDLE" as one of the argument but its description says: "Handle to ISO9660 or Joliet file system image or sound file located in a pipe." I searched for this function in all C/C++ samples. It is not used anywhere.
Would be great if you can point in right direction.
Also, none of the StarBurn_UDF2* functions' help pages list which arguments are input or output. Would be nice if you guys can add that.