Hi Anton.
thanks, once again. so...
1) I have feared, THIS will be the answer

, so I have to learn to live with it

.. it's OK with me...
2) without having a view in DbgViews online help now (I've just downloaded it 2 minutes ago...), do I have to attach it with a process??? I have just startet it, ran my program and let it call ...SetSpeeds with failure...nothing in DbgViews Window!?!?!?!? Ok, a bit more info now (I missed it in my last post)...SetSpeeds returns GREEN and the GREEN-structure looks like:
m__BOOLEAN__IsValid 1 '␁' unsigned char
m__UCHAR__CDBSizeInUCHARs 12 '␌' unsigned char
+ m__UCHAR__CDB 0x0012ef96 "╗" unsigned char [16]
m__UCHAR__SenseSizeInUCHARs 14 '␎' unsigned char
+ m__UCHAR__Sense 0x0012efa7 "p" unsigned char [32]
m__UCHAR__TransportStatus 4 '␄' unsigned char
m__UCHAR__TargetStatus 2 '␂' unsigned char
m__UCHAR__HostAdapterStatus 0 unsigned char
the output-window in VisualStudio shows:
What would DbgView print in such a case??? more information?
Anyway, I don't know, how to interprete this all...sorry
Hope, you know what happend there and that you can tell me, where my fault is.
finally 3) OK, it's a good idea, to do so.
thanks alot for all