I guess it was optimistic to expect the sample application to work out of the box
You suggest I try the console applications, I would point out that the old adage, "A picture is worth a thousand words" holds just as true when talking about graphical UI's vs text based ones.
Console sample applications only show whether a product works or not.
GUI based samples, OTOH, also show how us how easy it would be to implement the code into our own applications (assuming the application has a GUI, which is becoming increasing common these days

I appreciate that I could pore over the help manual for a few hours to get up to speed, but at the moment I am simply trying to determine the best solution of the three burning libraries I am evaluating and yours was the only one where I was unable to create a working GUI example within the first ten minutes.
Of course it is possible that you are making it deliberately complex to weed out the less committed developers