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 Post subject: Name Collision
PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 3:12 pm 

Joined: Thu Nov 17, 2005 8:18 am
Posts: 14

I get a name collision callback after adding two files to the Joliet file tree.
The first file's path on the disc is
"\Copy of Full CD Span\D\Aaaaa\musica\Musica\ABBA\AlbumArt_{6DF5629E-100A-445B-B4C4-A184FF241006}_Large.jpg" , and when I try to add the file "\Copy of Full CD span\D\Aaaaaa\musica\Musica\ABBA\AlbumArt_{6DF5629E-100A-445B-B4C4-A184FF241006}_Small.jpg" I get the name collision callback.
The PNAME_COLLISION_INFO has m__UCHAR__Name = 'ALBUMART_{6DF5629E-100A-445B-B4' .
The file tree is created with the FILE_TREE_JOLIET option.
Please give me a sollution for adding these two files to the tree.

 Post subject: More Name Collision Info
PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 4:28 pm 

Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2005 7:02 pm
Posts: 13
Location: Delaware, USA
I am having a similar issue.

I am burning a file to the CD, reading the file to generate a report and writing the report to the CD.

I am calling StarBurn_ISO9660JolietFileTree_Create with FILE_TREE_JOLIET and using the following two file names:
20 Meg CD Test_2005-11-29_18-56-03.zip
20 Meg CD Test_2005-11-29_18-56-03.txt
These file names are both 38 characters in length.

When I try to burn the second file, CN_FILE_TREE_PROGRESS_NAME_COLLISION fires. When the collision event fires, PNAME_COLLISION_INFO->m__BOOLEAN__IsJolietName is set to FALSE. Why is this variable not TRUE?

20 MEG CD TEST_2005-11-30_10-10
which is 31 characters in length. What is the maximum file and path length for ISO9660 and Joliet files?

If I set PNAME_COLLISION_INFO->m__NAME_COLLISION_SOLUTION to NAME_COLLISION_REPLACE_OLD, the zip file is replaced. If I set the variable to NAME_COLLISION_RENAME_NEW, both files are properly written to the CD with their original name. Is this a safe solution?

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:03 pm 
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Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:03 am
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Having Joliet file system does not turn off ISO9660! It's still there as alternative file tree. That's why you would get both ISO9660 and Joliet collisions callbacks. Just check BuildImage how to mangle the names of the files to make them acceptable (and always different).

For Level1 ISO it's 8 + 3 characters (DOS format), for level2 it's 32 characters and for Joliet it's 108 characters in name.

Yes, replacing old one with new is safe, however I'm not sure it's what you want to have ALWAYS.

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