Just closing session eats up to 15 megabytes of disc space. So having too multisessional

disc is not a good idea -- much of the space would be simply wasted. Packet recording (not supported by StarBurn however) with appendable UDF would be a good option in multiple small writes case.
Just keep in mind closing session would take listed above space. And now allow the user to add more.
However for DAO "overburn" is usuallly (virtually any modern burner) is possible. So you can burn 30-60 megabytes more then disk says it has empty
Vetch wrote:
Hello, everybody !
I know free space of my CD disc. How many data i can really add to disc (multisession data) ? I'm always adding one track in one session, joliet mode.
For example, disc has 100MB free.
How many data can user really record ? (because there is some space needed for close disc, session info, etc...). Or by other words: how many data i must substract from this 100MB free space to get user free disc space ? I want also auto-close disc if disc is full. But i must determine it before starting record.
Second case: disc is empty. For example 700MB free. User adds data to disc. How many data can user really add, if there will be only one session (one track) and disc will be closed immediately ? Of course, i know, that i can record these data in DAO mode.