Hi Anton
Hmmm, I need the updated version because the rest of my test app (a version of your VideoBurner demo) uses the latest test version of starburn.dll.
I have tested the old version (console and DLL), and it also gives the same error (though the console app suppresses the A/V message).
D:\TEMP\STARBURN>udfbuildimage c:\image2.iso d:\
UDFBuildImage: ENTERed for 2 argument(s)
UDFBuildImage:main(): Adding passed fodler or file...
UDFBuildImage: EXITing with failure. Status = 31
[2808] StarBurn.pas : StarBurn.dll version : 0x20060630
[2808] StarBurn CD/DVD Burning, Grabbing and Mastering Toolkit for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Version 6.6.30 ( 0x20060630 )
[2808] Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2006. All rights reserved.
[2808] StarWave_CoInitialize(): >>> ENTERed
[2808] StarWave_CoInitialize(): CoInitialize( NULL ) successful, status 0 ( 0x0 )
[2808] StarWave_CoInitialize(): <<< EXITing with success
[2808] StarWave_UpStart(): <<< EXITing with success
[2808] StarWave_DownShut(): >>> ENTERed
[2808] StarWave_DownShut(): <<< EXITing with success