I need help again and hopefully this will be the last thing I need. I did not find out how to track progress while StarBurn is appending files. I have about 550MB to add and its taking 10 min or so.
Is there a way to track progess just like the callback being done to the JolietImage object?
Dim Device As StarBurn.CDevice = Devices.Item(DriveComboBox.SelectedIndex + 1)
Dim Root As New StarBurn.CNode
Dim JolietImage As StarBurn.CJolietImageClass
JolietImage = New StarBurn.CJolietImageClass
Root = JolietImage.Root
Root.AddFolder("I386", "C:\I386")
Root.AddFile("WIN51", "C:\WIN51")
Root.AddFile("WIN51IP", "C:\WIN51IP")
Root.AddFile("WIN51IP.SP2", "C:\WIN51IP.SP2")
JolietImage.SetBootImage("C:\CDimage\boot.img", StarBurn.SBX_MEDIA_TYPE.SBX_ELTORITO_MEDIA_CUSTOM, 4, True)
Dim cb As CallBack
cb = New CallBack(Me)
ToolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Writing image to file"
JolietImage.Build(0, "CUSTOMXP", "CUSTOMXP")
JolietImage.SaveImageToFile("F:\XP.ISO", cb)
'JolietImage.Build(0, "TEST", "TEST")
'Device.TrackAtOnceFromFileSystemHandle(JolietImage.FileSystemHandle, False, False)
Catch ex As Exception
Dim strException As String = ex.Message
If Not IsNothing(Device) Then
Device = Nothing
End If
End Try