1) Use GetInsertedDiscType(...) API call. For DVD-ROM you'll have DISC_TYPE_DVDROM and for recorded media you'll have other ones (DISC_TYPE_DVDR etc). If drive sets book type after burning (converts DVD+R or DVD-R into DVD-ROM) everything is a little bit more complicated.
2) Not very good idea. Disc can have scratches or specially applied bad blocks (copy protection). You'll still recognize it as CSS protected. It's much better idea to call GetDVDProtectionSystem(...) and check for DVD_PROTECTION_CSS assigned to returned value.
mberrisford wrote:
Is it possible to determine if a DVD has been burned or pressed easily?
Right now we have an application that looks through all the .VOB files in the disc, until we find one that cannot be read, at which point we have found a CSS encrypted file.
Thank you.