I'm a registered owner of the starburn sdk and I have a few questions concerning the grabdisc C console example. My goal is to make an image of a css protected DVD with the css keys intact.
1) Will the standard StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GrabDVD() call do this?
2) The only purpose of StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_AuthorizeDVD() is to disable CSS protection so that the vob files can be copied but the vob files will still have their css keys, correct?
3) Is calling StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_AuthorizeDVD() necessary for grabbing a DVD using StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GrabDVD() for a CSS protect disc, that is if StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GrabDVD() will grab a CSS protected disc in the first place?
And concerning the starburnx library will the GrabDisc method in it grab a css protected DVD with the css keys intact?
I've gone through the documentation but how CSS protected DVDs are handled doesn't seem to be mentioned.