oldsubsailor wrote:
I am trying to find where is documented an explanation for when my callback function is invoked the "CallbackNumber" parameter equal to "CN_FILE_TREE_PROGRESS_NAME_COLLISION" directs one to obtain the name in collision from the "pCallbackSpecial1" parameter?
For example:
From sample file PPFileSystem.cpp of project ImageBuilder:
VOID __stdcall FileTreeCallback( CALLBACK_NUMBER CallbackNumber, PVOID pCallbackContext, PVOID pCallbackSpecial1, PVOID pCallbackSpecial2)
How do I know, based on value in "CallbackNumber", whether valid data can be acquired via "pCallbackSpecial1" and "pCallbackSpecial2" and what type of data is available?
Thank you,
Please look to StarBurn_API.chm
SymbolReference->Types->PCALLBACK type :
on this page in section
Remarks you can see table with Callback number and
Special parameter 1,
Special parameter 2 descriptions.
Description of
Callback numbers you can find in StarBurn_API.chm
Symbol Reference -> Structs, Records, Enums -> _CALLBACK_NUMBER Enumeration:
on this page in section
Description you can see description of callback numbers.