Speed issues with STARWAVE in v10
if StarBurn_StarWave_CompressedFileReaderObjectCreate( cfro, PChar(NOT_WIDE_name)) = EN_SUCCESS then try if StarBurn_StarWave_CompressedFileReaderObjectUncompressedSizeGet( cfro, _str_siz )= EN_SUCCESS then StarBurn_GetAudioFileStreamSizeInUCHARs(PChar(NOT_WIDE_name), _str_siz, _Error) = EN_SUCCESS then Do stuff finally StarBurn_StarWave_CompressedFileReaderObjectDestroy( cfro ); end
This block of code takes nearly 20min to run (99% in UncompressedSizeGet) for a 4min wma file the starwave log file is over 300K is this natural - ver7 is heap faster
If it not know problem i will document fully