I guess I didn't get it from GiveAwayOfTheDay because that offer isn't available now (that's the only way I can tell). That surprises me because under StarBurn's description it says you can rip and burn Blu-ray disks. Can I buy the StarBurn version that has the decrypter in it? (gosh, unless it's $495, that might be out of my personal range). I have AnyDVD HD if that makes a difference?
Well, the website:
www.blurayberry.com seems to be closed now. In fact no matter what website you try to download BlurayBerry from you get a dead link.
There is a list of free programs at:
http://www.techmixer.com/free-blu-ray-b ... -ray-disc/
But I don't think any of the other programs there rips blu-ray. Wouldn't StarBurn let me choose to keep just the main movie? You know it seems like StarBurn will let you "grab image" from the blu-ray. So what is that doing?
I've thought about buying Nero 9 download (along with a 12% discount) for $72 but I've heard it sucks and is bloated (see amazon reviews).
Thank you for your time pointing me in the right direction.