AudioGrabber X version is not fixed(propertly). I've tried it on all my computers and drives:
Slimtype DVDR SOSW-833S - Not working on XP
Samsung DVDROM SD-616T - Working on Vista
NEC DVDRW ND 3500AG - Not Working on XP/Vista
Memorex 54Maxx 2452AJ - Not Working on XP/Vista
Matshita DVD Rom SR8586 - Not Working on XP
Matshita DVD-RAM UJ850S - Not Working on XP
And ALL of them are working fine in the core AudioGrabber samples. And as I said, I can't get them working myself in the code I'm building.
EDIT: I went ahead and tried my code on the samsung (the one drive that X seems to be working with) to see if it would work and it did. So I tried the same code on the other drives with some error detection and this is what I got back:
The Sessions interface is being created, but the count is returning 0. Then when I go get an item number I would of course get an error because I didn't get a count in the first place. The error is:
ErrorNumber = -2147352567 (80020009)
ErrorWinDescription = Unspecified error
Everything after that is down hill because the Sessions Item didn't returns the count Session objects. So it seems that StarBurnX is not seeing the sessions on drives. If X is only working with 1 out of 6 of my drives, I would suspect there are a whole lot of other drives it isn't playing friendly with.