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 Post subject: Error with TSSTcorp CDDVDW TS-H653B drive
PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 3:44 pm 

Joined: Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:24 pm
Posts: 1

We are experiencing errors with the StarBurn SDK (StarBurnX) when trying to burn CD-R data discs with the following optical device:

Vendor ID: TSSTcorp
Product ID: CDDVDW TS-H653B
Revision Level: LE05

We are using the .NET API with C#, and the error received is the following:

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800A0275): Internal SDK error:CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): Command failed

Valid = yes, CDB Size = 10, Sense Size = 32
CDB: 55 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 3C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Sense 00: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 26 00 00 00
Sense 10: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Transport status = 0, Target Status = 2, HostAdapter Status = 0

at RocketDivision.StarBurnX.DataBurnerClass.Burn(Boolean TestBurn, String volumeName)

We also tried to burn a CD on this device with the C# Data Burner sample application that comes with the SDK and received the same error. We captured the StarBurn log file from that burn session and the following is a snippet from the log at the time of the error:

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_SharedConstructor(): Cache size is 32 MBs, 33554432 UCHARs

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::Lock(): ENTERed

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::Lock(): EXITing with success

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::TrackAtOnce(): ENTERed for 0x03654570

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::TrackAtOnce(): Inserted disc type 0x00000002

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::TrackAtOnce(): CD media ( 2 ) now has single transfer size of 61440 UCHARs

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::TrackAtOnce(): Setting write parameters to data

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::TrackAtOnce(): Setting write parameters to MODE2/Form1

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::TrackAtOnce(): Reading track information

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::TrackAtOnce(): Generic read track info...

StarBurn_DumpCdvdWriteParametersPage(): WARNING! Size 50 less then 56!

Write Parameters Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x05, PSBit (Page Saveable): 0
Page Length: 50 UCHARs, Write Type: 0x01, Test Write: No, Reserved2_1: 0x00
BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Enabled: No
Track Mode: 0x04, Copy Allowed: No, FP (Is Fixed Packet): No
Next Session: 0x00, Data Block Type: 0x08, Reserved4: 0x00
Host Application Code: 0x00, Session Format: 0x00
Packet Size: 0, Audio Pause Length: 150
Media Catalog Number: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
ISRC: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
SubHeaderUCHAR0: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR1: 0x00
SubHeaderUCHAR2: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR3: 0x00
Vendor Specific: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

StarBurn_DumpCdvdWriteParametersPage(): WARNING! Size 50 less then 56!

Write Parameters Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x05, PSBit (Page Saveable): 0
Page Length: 50 UCHARs, Write Type: 0x01, Test Write: No, Reserved2_1: 0x00
BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Enabled: No
Track Mode: 0x04, Copy Allowed: No, FP (Is Fixed Packet): No
Next Session: 0x00, Data Block Type: 0x08, Reserved4: 0x00
Host Application Code: 0x00, Session Format: 0x00
Packet Size: 0, Audio Pause Length: 150
Media Catalog Number: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
ISRC: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
SubHeaderUCHAR0: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR1: 0x00
SubHeaderUCHAR2: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR3: 0x00
Vendor Specific: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

StarBurn_DumpCdvdWriteParametersPage(): WARNING! Size 50 less then 56!

Write Parameters Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x05, PSBit (Page Saveable): 0
Page Length: 50 UCHARs, Write Type: 0x01, Test Write: No, Reserved2_1: 0x00
BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Enabled: No
Track Mode: 0x04, Copy Allowed: No, FP (Is Fixed Packet): No
Next Session: 0x00, Data Block Type: 0x08, Reserved4: 0x00
Host Application Code: 0x00, Session Format: 0x00
Packet Size: 0, Audio Pause Length: 150
Media Catalog Number: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
ISRC: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
SubHeaderUCHAR0: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR1: 0x00
SubHeaderUCHAR2: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR3: 0x00
Vendor Specific: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

CStarBurn_DumpAndParseTrackInformation(): WARNING! Length 26 less then 40!

Track Information Dump:
Track Number: 1, Session Number: 1
Track Mode: 0x04, Copy: No, Damage: No
Data Mode: 0x01, FP (Fixed Packet): No, Packet: No, Blank: Yes
RT (Reserved Track): No, NWA_V (Next Writable Address Valid): Yes
Track Start Address (LBA): 0, Next Writable Address (LBA): 0
Free Logical Block(s): 359847, Fixed Packet Size: 0 LB(s)
Track Size In LBs: 359847, Last Recorded Address: 0

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::TrackAtOnce(): Setting write parameters

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): Command failed

SCSI Status: 0x02, CDB Length: 10, CDB Dump: 0x55 0x10 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x3C 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

SCSI sense data dump:
Error Code: 0x70, Is Sense Valid: No, Segment Number: 0x00 (0)
Sense Key: 0x05, Reserved: 0x00, Incorrect Length: No
End Of Media: No, File Mark: No, Information: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
Additional Sense Length: 0x0A (10)
Command Specific Information: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
Additional Sense Code (ASC): 0x26, Additional Sense Code Qualifier (ASCQ): 0x00

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::TrackAtOnce(): Method in sequence failed

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::TrackAtOnce(): EXITing with failure, status 8, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): Command failed'

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::TrackAtOnce(): Ejecting disc

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::Eject(): ENTERed

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): Command failed

SCSI Status: 0x02, CDB Length: 6, CDB Dump: 0x1B 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x02 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

SCSI sense data dump:
Error Code: 0x70, Is Sense Valid: No, Segment Number: 0x00 (0)
Sense Key: 0x05, Reserved: 0x00, Incorrect Length: No
End Of Media: No, File Mark: No, Information: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
Additional Sense Length: 0x0A (10)
Command Specific Information: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
Additional Sense Code (ASC): 0x53, Additional Sense Code Qualifier (ASCQ): 0x02

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::TrackAtOnce(): Eject() failed

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::TrackAtOnce(): WARNING! Status 8, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::ExecuteCDB(): Command failed'

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ShutDownCacheThread(): WaitForSingleObject() failed, status 183, returned 258

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::Release(): ENTERed

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::Release(): EXITing with success

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): Device '\\.\D:' has SCSI address of 2:0:0:0

SCSI Capabilites Dump:
Length: 24 UCHAR(s), Maximum Transfer Lenght: 131072 UCHAR(s)
Maximum Physical Page(s) Per Data Buffer: 32, Supported Asynchronous Event(s): 0, Alignment Mask: 1
Tagged Command Queueing Supported: No, Adapter Scans Down for BIOS Device(s): No, Adapter Uses Programmed I/O: Yes

SCSI Device Inquiry Data Dump:
Device Type: 0x05, Removable: Yes
SCSI Version: 0, Soft Reset Supported: No
Command Queue Supported: No, Linked Commands Supported: No
Sync Transfer Supported: No, 16-bit bus: No
32-bit bus: No, Relative Addressing Supported: No
Vendor ID: 'TSSTcorp', Product ID: 'CDDVDW TS-H653B ', Revision Level: 'LE05'

CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneric::CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneric_SharedConstructor(): 'TSSTcorp' - 'CDDVDW TS-H653B ' - 'LE05' sits at 2:0:0:0

CD/DVD Capabilities Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x2A, Reserved1: 0x00, PSBit (Page Savable): 0
Page Size in UCHARs: 66 UCHARs, CD-R Read: Yes, CD-E Read: Yes
DVD-ROM Read: Yes, DVD-R Read: Yes, DVD-RAM Read: Yes, Reserved2: 0x00
CD-R Write: Yes, CD-E Write: Yes, Test Write: Yes
Reserved3: 0x00, DVD-R Write: Yes, DVD-RAM Write: Yes
Reserved4: 0x00, Audio Play: Yes, Composite: No
Digital Port One: No, Digital Port Two: No
MODE2 Form1: Yes, MODE2 Form2: Yes
Is Multi Session: Yes, CDDA: Yes, CDDAAccurate: Yes
BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Supported: Yes
RW Supported: Yes, RW Deinterleaved: Yes, C2Pointers: Yes
ISRC: Yes, UPC: Yes, Read Bar Code Capable: No
Lock: Yes, LockState: 0, Prevent Jumper: No
Reserved5: 0x00, Eject: Yes, Loading Mechanism Type: 0x01
Separate Volume: Yes, Separate Channel Mute: Yes
Supports Disc Present: No, SW Slot Selection: No
Side Change Capable: No, RW InLeadIn Readable: Yes, Reserved6: 0x00
Maximum Read Speed: 7056 KBps
Number Of Volume Level(s): 256, Buffer Size in KBs: 2048
Current Read Speed: 7056 KBps
Reserved7: 0x00
BCK: No, RCK: No, LSBF: No, Length: 0x01
Reserved8: 0x00
Maximum Write Speed: 7056 KBps
Current Write Speed: 7056 KBps
Reserved9: 0x0001

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_SharedConstructor(): Cache size updated to 4194304 UCHARs

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_SharedConstructor(): Cache size is 1 MBs, 4194304 UCHARs

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::Release(): ENTERed

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::Release(): EXITing with success

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::Eject(): ENTERed

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::Eject(): EXITing with success

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::Release(): ENTERed

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::Release(): EXITing with success

Could this just be faulty device? Any help would be much appreciated.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:00 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:03 am
Posts: 4089
Location: British Virgin Islands
It's not faulty device, rather it's something wrong with the library itself. We've received the same request by e-mail and I've applied some fixes to the code. Andrew & Dima should prepare new StarBurn/StarBurnX build for you to test. On Thursday (as it's National Holiday today).

 Post subject: Re: Error with TSSTcorp CDDVDW TS-H653B drive
PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2014 9:54 am 

Joined: Fri May 30, 2014 9:49 am
Posts: 1
As for the code "Read Bar Code Capable: No", I integrated a barcode scanner and change it to yes, but the barcode scanning function is still unavailable. Any idea?


 Post subject: Re: Error with TSSTcorp CDDVDW TS-H653B drive
PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2014 11:01 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:03 am
Posts: 4089
Location: British Virgin Islands
It's a question to hardware vendor and not to us. We only interpret responses we get from device. Do you have any app actually recognizing what you do and working with attached bar code reader?

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