I've used SB now for about 6 or 7 months and have never come across this problem before when grabbing the ISO image from a recorded DVD. (A DVD someone has recorded for me, usually from a TV DVD-recorder.)
Anyway, when I pop in any of the DVDs my friend has sent me, they play and act like normal DVDs. I get the autoplay window when I insert the disc, etc.
The Main Problem is this: When I go to grab the image, SB only recognizes 32 MB from any of the discs she has made. I go through the process, copy the ISO to my HD, and sure enough it's only 32 MB.
Extra information you probably don't need, but I'm giving you anyway:I even went through the process of recording the image to a DVD. When I did this, and inserted it, my Autoplay came on like a normal DVD. When I played it in Windows MP and RealPlayer, both apps froze up once I clicked on the play button. (The DVD screen came up just like with the normal DVD, but once clicked, it just sat there.)
The odd thing is this: When I go to look through the files on the DVD, they all appear to be there. The exact same VOB files show up, even saying they're .99 GB each. When I try copying individual files to my desktop, the computer says they don't exist. It's almost like they're a 'ghost' image of the original DVD.
I knew the recorded DVD wouldn't work, but was curious as to which parts were captured by SB and which parts weren't.
Here's how StarBurn recognizes/reads the original DVD:
http://www.boomspeed.com/norwaykeep/SB_original.jpgAnd here's the DVD I burned from the 32 MB ISO image:
http://www.boomspeed.com/norwaykeep/SB_burned.jpgYes, the original image only says 32 MB, but taking the same image and burning it to a DVD gives me a 1,024 MB file.
Any information you could give me would be greatly appreciated. I've used SB exclusively to copy matches my friends have sent me. So, this is a very new problem for me. Thanks so much.