Hi Anton,
I have just done quite a bit of research on this and here is what I turned up:
Autoplay in Windows XP: Automatically Detect and React to New Devices on a System
Jeffrey Richter's Explanation on Autorun
The above two articles should give quite a good overview of how to work with Autorun and Autoplay.
IQueryCancelAutoPlay Interface Reference
A Useful Discussion on IQueryCancelAutoPlay
Complete C++ Implementation Code Sample
Well, after finding all the above info, it looks like the only RELIABLE way to stop Autoplay from triggering is to use IQueryCancelAutoPlay.
However, I have to admit I don't have much knowledge on COM programming in Delphi (the dev environment I am using).
Anton, any chance you might consider adding support to temporarily Enable/Disable Autorun/Autoplay into Starburn SDK ?
... I think this is something that would be useful to most users who use Starburn SDK.
All the above info and code samples are in C++, so it should be relatively easy as compared to me having to learn COM, then figure out how to translate that into Delphi.
Well, keeping my fingers crossed
anton (staff) wrote:
I do not know myself and would only recommend Google-ing the topic. But maybe other guys here would be wiser then me
P.S. I do disable autorun myself always if you care. I think you know the reason