dima (staff) wrote:
You can turn off the Collision detection using the StarBurnSDK only
.. The StarBurnX does not populate this functionality now but we will add this functionality to the StarBurnX in the next update!
In the current dlls I am using now. I think the discussed property is added.
But there are 2 properties as 1) DisableCollisionsDetection 2) AutoResolveCollisions.
But, I am not clear with both newly added properties as no help is with me. Please provide me some help so that I can use this by understanding the functionality and expecting results.
Using DisableCollisionsDetection problem is solved. File addition is speeded up. Previously it was taking 4-5 hours and Now it is taking only 10 sec.
I was not expecting this much reduction in time.
That's great!!!
I cannot tell you in words, how much I am HAPPY because of this!!!