As usual, thanks for a quick reply Anton
One thing I'm still unsure of though is how to add a file into a specific folder in the image... example, if I want to pass a file called
test1.hex so it's path in the image is \TEST3\test1.hex, how would I do this?
Would I need to create a folder in the image first? and how do I tell starburn the location I want to place the file?
StarBurn_ISO9660JolietFileTree_Add to pass the single file, how do I tell it what path to use?
Basically, this is what I'm trying to do:
I've written some code so the user can drag and drop files/folders into a list. Once the user hits the make image button I have a list containing the FullPath to files and the VirtualPath for files on the disk.
Can I pass this information to starburn as it is to create the iso?
FullPath = Y:\Test\TestFolder\File2.hex
VirtPath = \TestFolder\File2.hex
Unlike the BuildImage example, I cannot assume that all the dropped files are in one folder on the users hard drive, they could be scattered.