1) DVD media cannot be recorded in RAW Session-At-Once mode. Track-At-Once samples must be used with DVD media inserted (OK, DVDs burn in Disc-At-Once and Packet-At-Once modes, but since sector size is 2048 bytes from the programmers point of view recording process is closer to what TAO and not RAW mode does).
2) StarBurn creates encrypted images of DVDs. They cannot be recorded on home DVD burners. If you need to have code which decrypts DVD and records CSS-less image to DVD media please contact us in private. Of course such a code is illegal in most of the countries and we cannot keep it as part of the SDK.
xsoft wrote:
I was just playing around with the samples and used GradDisc to build an MDS for a DVD movie.
Then I tried to burn it using SessionAtOnceRawRawPW, but it did not work. I suspect this might be because code is missing to burn a protected DVD.
Is this the expected behavior?