I guess this is b/s StarBurn API is exported as STDCALL and VB has CDECL calling conventions by default
I'm not a big fan of VB so I'll ask Alex to check this. I think he'll write correct declaration of this stuff for you.
Thank you!
bbriggstkd wrote:
I have gotten the callback function to work but I am now receiving another error. It is error 49, "Bad Dll calling convention"
Here is my vb delcaration for the function.
Declare Function StarBurn_FindDevice Lib "c:\windows\system32\StarBurn.dll" (ByVal DeviceType As Any, _
ByVal IsFindFirst As Boolean, ByVal CallBack As Long, CallBackContext As Any) As Long
the callback function looks like this
Public Sub ProcessCallBack(ByVal CallBackNum As Long, _
ByVal CallBackContext As Long, _
ByVal CallBackSpecial1 As Long, _
ByVal CallBackSpecial2 As Long)
End Sub
The error pops up when the program executes the End Sub command.
Have I gotten something declared wrong?