No, you cannot. For data tracks you'll always get MODE2/Form1 (2048 bytes of user data inside 2352 bytes of raw sector data) and for MPEG tracks you'll always get MODE2/Form2 (2336 bytes of user data inside 2352 bytes of raw sector data). You cannot control this.
Acidtech wrote:
I've finishing up our software and am adding some user selectable options and am not sure how to deal with the IsXA option in most of the burning commands(I've just been setting it to faqlse). I've read up on CD-XA(Mode2) and see there are three "forms". I've been unable to find a good description of Form 0(formless). Form 1 is basically a standard sector size(2048 bytes) with error correction and form 2 is a standard sector without error correction(ie 2352 bytes). I found this variable defined in the Starburn documentations,
Can I use this to set the Form used when I set IsXA in a burn ing command?
Does this also effect the form used when writing standard ISO tracks?