I'm using MagicBurner Delphi libraries for creating .ISO file from a set of folders. My folder structure contains different folders. So, i have used the InsertDir method to insert the directories into the .ISO file. Though the .ISO file created correctly, i noticed that the directories which are empty (No files inside the folder) are not added to the .ISO file.
I wrote the following code
sSrcDir := LblEdtCDImage.Text ;
sISOFile := AddBackSlashF(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)) + 'Output\CDImg1.ISO';
mcdb.SaveToISOFile(sISOFile) ;
I need to keep the empty folders also in the .ISO file. Is there any way to do it?
I need the solution urgently. So ur quick response will help me a lot.
Thanks in advance!!
Kind rgds