I have reviewed the forum topics and documentation regarding use of GetSpeed / SetSpeed to determine the device's supported write speeds.
Clarification questions:
Do these operations take into account the max write speed of the inserted disc, or just the supported modes of the hardware? For instance, if I have an 8x DVD-RW drive and a customer inserts a 4x disc, will GetSpeed return a maximum write speed of 8x or 4x? If I call SetSpeed with CDVD_SPEED_IS_KBPS_MAXIMUM while the 4x disc is inserted, will the SDK automatically reduce the write speed to 4x?
I have some customers using discs with max write speeeds lower than their drive capabilites, and when I just call SetSpeed(CDVD_SPEED_IS_KBPS_MAXIMUM,CDVD_SPEED_IS_KBPS_MAXIMUM) they start getting write failures. I am trying to determine if there is a better way to autodetect the capabilities of the inserted disc.