Hello Sir, 1) Will you please kindly go through my sample. (I am referring SDK samples only, but as I was facing problems & had to do auto-refresh I had to create my own sample with some different logic. [That logic is delaying call to refresh function of starBurnX nothing else.])
In this post Anton Sir you replied me as, W/o the disc inserted write speeds and read speeds don't make any sense. Drive is either going to report maximum supported speeds or some bogus values if firmware is broken (quite often case BTW).
It is going to give me bogus values OK. But read speeds, write speeds & write modes are given as not supported or 0. It's not OK. To add to that, if after some time I am calling drive.DriveInfo.Refresh then it gives me proper values. At least it should not report write speeds & write modes not supported in that case.
2) Dima Sir replied to my following question "One more major problem I found for various disc+drive combinations. Even the problem is simulated for this disc also. The problem is diveInfo.MaxReadSpeed & driveInfo.MaxWriteSpeed is reported as lowest supported read & write speeds. In this case 5 different supported speed values are there.(16x, 12x,.., 2x) But MaxReadSpeed is reported as lowest (2x, 2770 Kbps). Is there any problem?"
As following "The real value of speed is depends on the speed supported by media disc!!! So if your media disc reported max speed as 2x this speed will be max allowed speed!!"
OK. I got what you are saying. But Sir reported maximum speeds are wrong as per the attchment. There are 2 read speeds 48x & 6x but maximum reported is 6x which is default speed value for drive.DriveInfo.ReadSpeed().
Attachments: |
DriveInfo.jpg [ 22.02 KiB | Viewed 12491 times ]
StarBurnX.rar [2.54 KiB]
Downloaded 1019 times