Did you get the stuff so far?
1) IMAPI... There's no support for HD DVD at this moment (and no plans to have it in ~1.5 years), Blu-Ray support is not even planned b/c MS does not bless Blu-Ray. So you'll have extremely hard times telling your customers why your app cannot take care of their high-capacity device. IMAPI has no official paid support, if you'll run into the problem there's no guarantee anybody will even try to help you. IMAPI hardware support is very questionable as they don't maintain database of the burners, they do everyhing in "generic" mode so I have no idea how they will workaround firmware bugs. IMAPI has compatiblity problems with any software using filters to access the device (Roxio, Sonic, BlindWrite, AnyDVD etc). Burning never will be reliable. Then goes other things like DVD-Video, compressed audio, verification, CD-Text and so on. Too many things to mention.
2) Of course no! It's like asking "Does your Ferrari has Ford badge on it's butt"
3) Just create multiple CdvdBurnerGrabber device objects in the different threads and do work with 'em. There's a sample called MultiBurner in the SDK doing this.
bob1at7shore wrote:
I was instructed to email you to receive a copy of the Starburn SDK that is compatible with VS2005,.NET C#.
Please send me a copy at your earliest convenience.
I'm at the evaluation stage and have not purchased yet. Given I do not know what I'm getting into as far as complexity, can you answer a few more questions?
1) What valued added does Starburn SDK have over the Microsoft IMAPI 2 ?
2) Does you SDK use the IMAPI, or is it all custom?
3) I want to use the capability of burning and reading multiple drives at the same time. Here is an example:
- Load Master DVD video in a Drive and copy to hard-drive.
- start burning 4 DVD video copies
- Rip the audio from the data and generate wave files to make audio Cd's
- start burning 2 audio Cd's
- burn more sets as needed
The hardware platform will typically have 6-8 DVD burners, 3 Hard-drives with a Q6600 2G-4G RAM.
Do you have any sample code that can get me started on this scenario?