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 Post subject: Problem with C# and UDF
PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:12 pm 

Joined: Thu Jan 25, 2007 11:16 pm
Posts: 44
I'm trying to build an UDF filesystem in C# with the following api declarations:

        [DllImport("StarBurn.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
        public static extern EXCEPTION_NUMBER StarBurn_UDF_FormatTreeItemAsFile(
            ref UDF_TREE_ITEM UDF_TREE_ITEM, UInt32 GUID,
            String Name,
            String FullPath,
            ref UDF_TREE_ITEM Parent);

        [DllImport("StarBurn.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
        public static extern EXCEPTION_NUMBER StarBurn_UDF_FormatTreeItemAsDirectory(
            ref UDF_TREE_ITEM Directory, UInt32 GUID,
            String Name,
            int Parent);

        [DllImport("StarBurn.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
        public static extern EXCEPTION_NUMBER StarBurn_UDF_FormatTreeItemAsDirectory(
            ref UDF_TREE_ITEM Directory, UInt32 GUID,
            String Name,
            ref UDF_TREE_ITEM Parent);

        [DllImport("StarBurn.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
        public static extern EXCEPTION_NUMBER StarBurn_UDF_CreateEx(ref UDF_TREE_ITEM UDFRoot,
            int ISO9660UDFBridgeRootVideo,
            int ISO9660UDFBridgeRootAudio, ref UDF_CONTROL_BLOCK PUDF_CONTROL_BLOCK,
            StringBuilder ExceptionText, int ExceptionTextSize,
            ref int SystemError, StringBuilder VolumeLabel, StringBuilder PublisherPreparerName,
            StringBuilder ApplicationName, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minutes,
            int seconds, int milliseconds);

And the following structures declaration:

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, Pack = 1)]
    public struct UDF_FILE_HANDLE
        public IntPtr m__HANDLE;

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, Pack = 1)]
    public struct ISO9660_DATE_TIME
        byte m__UCHAR__Year;            // Year
        byte m__UCHAR__Month;            // Month
        byte m__UCHAR__Day;                // Day
        byte m__UCHAR__Hour;            // Hour
        byte m__UCHAR__Minute;            // Minute
        byte m__UCHAR__Second;            // Second
        byte m__UCHAR__GMTOffset;         // Offset from GMT in hours

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, Pack = 1)]
    public struct UDF_CONTROL_BLOCK
        public int Head;
        public int SystemStructures;
        public int Tail;
        public int Body;

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, Pack = 1)]
    public struct UDF_TREE_ITEM
        UInt32 m__ULONG__FileEntryRBA;                  // File entry relative block address
        UInt32 m__ULONG__FileIdentifierRBA;                  // File identifier relative block address
        UInt32 m__ULONG__FileIdentifierParentOrContentRBA;    // File identifier parent or content relative block address
        UInt32 m__ULONG__LastTouchedRBA;                     // Last touched relative block address (last occupied)
        UInt32 m__ULONG__GUID;                               // Globally unique identifier
        Byte m__UCHAR__IsDirectory;                          // Is this directory (0x01) or file (0x00)
        Byte m__UCHAR__IsCached;                          // Is this entry content cached (located in memory) or not cached (located on the disk)
        UInt16 m__USHORT__NumberOfKidsAsParents;            // Number of kids that have their own kids

        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst=255, ArraySubType=UnmanagedType.AsAny)]
        Byte[] m__CHAR__Name;               // Name of this node

        UDF_FILE_HANDLE m__UDF_FILE_HANDLE;                     // UDF file handle of this node
        Byte m__PUCHAR__File;                            // Pointer for file content (for cached files)
        ulong m__ULONGLONG__SizeInUCHARs;            // Node content size in UCHARs
        UInt32 m__ULONG__SizeInLogicalBlocks;                // Node content size in logical blocks
        int m__PUDF_TREE_ITEM__Next;             // Pointer to the next UDF tree item in the linked list
        int m__PUDF_TREE_ITEM__Prev;             // Pointer to the previous UDF tree item in the linked list
        int m__PUDF_TREE_ITEM__Kids;            // Pointer to the kids linked list
        int m__PUDF_TREE_ITEM__Parent;           // Pointer to the parent of the current UDF tree item
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst=2048, ArraySubType=UnmanagedType.AsAny)]
        Byte[] m__UCHAR__FileEntryDescriptor;         // Array of UCHARs holding UDF file entry descriptor for current UDF tree item

        int m__PUCHAR__FileIdentifierDescriptor;      // Pointer to allocated file identifier
        UInt32 m__ULONG__FileIdentifierDescriptorSizeInUCHARs; // Size of allocated FID in bytes

        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 2048, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.AsAny)]
        Byte[] m__UCHAR__FileContent;               // Array of UCHARs holding file content (alternative cached data)

        int m__PVOID__Context;                           // Pointer to context value
        ISO9660_DATE_TIME m__ISO9660_DATE_TIME;                   // ISO9660 date and time


        uint GUID = 0;

        // Directory[ 0 ] is not used
        UDF_TREE_ITEM[] g__UDF_TREE_ITEM__Directory = new UDF_TREE_ITEM[5];
        // File[ 0 ] is not used
        UDF_TREE_ITEM[] g__UDF_TREE_ITEM__File = new UDF_TREE_ITEM[200];

..but "StarBurn_UDF_CreateEx" fails with "EN_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED" code.
It works if I add only one empty directory.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance,

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 8:07 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:03 am
Posts: 4089
Location: British Virgin Islands
Sending debug log or at least letting know SystemError status (this is what EN_SYSTEM_CALL_FAILED tells to you) would help.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:37 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 25, 2007 11:16 pm
Posts: 44
Here's additional infos:

ExceptionText says:
CStarBurn_DiskFile::CStarBurn_DiskFile(): DuplicateHandle() failed, status 6!!!

SystemError is 6.

StarBurn.log says:
StarBurn CD/DVD/Blu-Ray/HD-DVD Burning, Grabbing and Mastering Toolkit for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/Longhorn Version 7.2.20 ( 0x20070220 )
Copyright (c) Rocket Division Software 2001-2006. All rights reserved.

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): Device '\\.\C:' has SCSI address of 4:0:1:0

SCSI Capabilites Dump:
Length: 24 UCHAR(s), Maximum Transfer Lenght: 131072 UCHAR(s)
Maximum Physical Page(s) Per Data Buffer: 33, Supported Asynchronous Event(s): 0, Alignment Mask: 1
Tagged Command Queueing Supported: No, Adapter Scans Down for BIOS Device(s): No, Adapter Uses Programmed I/O: Yes

SCSI Device Inquiry Data Dump:
Device Type: 0x00, Removable: No
SCSI Version: 0, Soft Reset Supported: No
Command Queue Supported: No, Linked Commands Supported: No
Sync Transfer Supported: No, 16-bit bus: No
32-bit bus: No, Relative Addressing Supported: No
Vendor ID: 'Maxtor 6', Product ID: 'Y120P0 ', Revision Level: 'YAR4'

CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneric::CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneric_SharedConstructor(): 'Maxtor 6' - 'Y120P0 ' - 'YAR4' sits at 4:0:1:0

CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceCdvdRomReader::CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceCdvdRomReader_SharedConstructor(): Device type 0x00 instead of 0x05
CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceCdvdRomReader::CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceCdvdRomReader_SharedConstructor(): EXITing with failure, status 9, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceCdvdRomReader::CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceCdvdRomReader_SharedConstructor(): Device type 0x00 instead of 0x05'

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): Device '\\.\D:' has SCSI address of 0:0:0:0

SCSI Capabilites Dump:
Length: 24 UCHAR(s), Maximum Transfer Lenght: 131072 UCHAR(s)
Maximum Physical Page(s) Per Data Buffer: 32, Supported Asynchronous Event(s): 0, Alignment Mask: 1
Tagged Command Queueing Supported: No, Adapter Scans Down for BIOS Device(s): No, Adapter Uses Programmed I/O: No

SCSI Device Inquiry Data Dump:
Device Type: 0x05, Removable: Yes
SCSI Version: 0, Soft Reset Supported: No
Command Queue Supported: No, Linked Commands Supported: No
Sync Transfer Supported: No, 16-bit bus: No
32-bit bus: No, Relative Addressing Supported: No
Vendor ID: 'HL-DT-ST', Product ID: 'DVD-ROM GDR8163B', Revision Level: '0L23'

CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneric::CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneric_SharedConstructor(): 'HL-DT-ST' - 'DVD-ROM GDR8163B' - '0L23' sits at 0:0:0:0

CD/DVD Capabilities Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x2A, Reserved1: 0x00, PSBit (Page Savable): 0
Page Size in UCHARs: 24 UCHARs, CD-R Read: Yes, CD-E Read: Yes
DVD-ROM Read: Yes, DVD-R Read: Yes, DVD-RAM Read: Yes, Reserved2: 0x00
CD-R Write: No, CD-E Write: No, Test Write: No
Reserved3: 0x00, DVD-R Write: No, DVD-RAM Write: No
Reserved4: 0x00, Audio Play: Yes, Composite: No
Digital Port One: No, Digital Port Two: No
MODE2 Form1: Yes, MODE2 Form2: Yes
Is Multi Session: Yes, CDDA: Yes, CDDAAccurate: Yes
BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Supported: No
RW Supported: No, RW Deinterleaved: No, C2Pointers: Yes
ISRC: Yes, UPC: Yes, Read Bar Code Capable: No
Lock: Yes, LockState: 0, Prevent Jumper: No
Reserved5: 0x00, Eject: Yes, Loading Mechanism Type: 0x01
Separate Volume: Yes, Separate Channel Mute: Yes
Supports Disc Present: No, SW Slot Selection: No
Side Change Capable: No, RW InLeadIn Readable: Yes, Reserved6: 0x00
Maximum Read Speed: 9173 KBps
Number Of Volume Level(s): 256, Buffer Size in KBs: 256
Current Read Speed: 9173 KBps
Reserved7: 0x00
BCK: No, RCK: No, LSBF: No, Length: 0x00
Reserved8: 0x00
Maximum Write Speed: 0 KBps
Current Write Speed: 0 KBps
Reserved9: 0x0001

CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceCdvdRomWriter::CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceCdvdRomWriter_SharedConstructor(): WARNING! Device does not support recording

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_SharedConstructor(): Cache size is 1 MBs, 1048576 UCHARs

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): Device '\\.\E:' has SCSI address of 0:0:1:0

SCSI Capabilites Dump:
Length: 24 UCHAR(s), Maximum Transfer Lenght: 131072 UCHAR(s)
Maximum Physical Page(s) Per Data Buffer: 32, Supported Asynchronous Event(s): 0, Alignment Mask: 1
Tagged Command Queueing Supported: No, Adapter Scans Down for BIOS Device(s): No, Adapter Uses Programmed I/O: No

SCSI Device Inquiry Data Dump:
Device Type: 0x05, Removable: Yes
SCSI Version: 0, Soft Reset Supported: No
Command Queue Supported: No, Linked Commands Supported: No
Sync Transfer Supported: No, 16-bit bus: No
32-bit bus: No, Relative Addressing Supported: No
Vendor ID: 'HL-DT-ST', Product ID: 'DVDRAM GSA-4163B', Revision Level: 'A102'

CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneric::CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneric_SharedConstructor(): 'HL-DT-ST' - 'DVDRAM GSA-4163B' - 'A102' sits at 0:0:1:0

CD/DVD Capabilities Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x2A, Reserved1: 0x00, PSBit (Page Savable): 0
Page Size in UCHARs: 62 UCHARs, CD-R Read: Yes, CD-E Read: Yes
DVD-ROM Read: Yes, DVD-R Read: Yes, DVD-RAM Read: Yes, Reserved2: 0x00
CD-R Write: Yes, CD-E Write: Yes, Test Write: Yes
Reserved3: 0x00, DVD-R Write: Yes, DVD-RAM Write: Yes
Reserved4: 0x00, Audio Play: Yes, Composite: No
Digital Port One: No, Digital Port Two: No
MODE2 Form1: Yes, MODE2 Form2: Yes
Is Multi Session: Yes, CDDA: Yes, CDDAAccurate: Yes
BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Supported: Yes
RW Supported: No, RW Deinterleaved: No, C2Pointers: Yes
ISRC: Yes, UPC: Yes, Read Bar Code Capable: No
Lock: Yes, LockState: 0, Prevent Jumper: No
Reserved5: 0x00, Eject: Yes, Loading Mechanism Type: 0x01
Separate Volume: Yes, Separate Channel Mute: Yes
Supports Disc Present: No, SW Slot Selection: No
Side Change Capable: No, RW InLeadIn Readable: Yes, Reserved6: 0x00
Maximum Read Speed: 11080 KBps
Number Of Volume Level(s): 256, Buffer Size in KBs: 2048
Current Read Speed: 11080 KBps
Reserved7: 0x00
BCK: No, RCK: No, LSBF: No, Length: 0x00
Reserved8: 0x00
Maximum Write Speed: 5540 KBps
Current Write Speed: 5540 KBps
Reserved9: 0x0001

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_SharedConstructor(): Cache size updated to 4194304 UCHARs

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_SharedConstructor(): Cache size is 1 MBs, 4194304 UCHARs

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\F:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\F:', 0x80000000, 1, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): EXITing with failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\F:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )'

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\G:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\G:', 0x80000000, 1, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): EXITing with failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\G:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )'

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\H:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\H:', 0x80000000, 1, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): EXITing with failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\H:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )'

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\I:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\I:', 0x80000000, 1, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): EXITing with failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\I:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )'

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\J:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\J:', 0x80000000, 1, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): EXITing with failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\J:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )'

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\K:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\K:', 0x80000000, 1, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): EXITing with failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\K:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )'

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\L:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\L:', 0x80000000, 1, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): EXITing with failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\L:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )'

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\M:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\M:', 0x80000000, 1, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): EXITing with failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\M:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )'

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\N:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\N:', 0x80000000, 1, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): EXITing with failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\N:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )'

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\O:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\O:', 0x80000000, 1, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): EXITing with failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\O:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )'

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\P:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\P:', 0x80000000, 1, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): EXITing with failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\P:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )'

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\Q:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\Q:', 0x80000000, 1, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): EXITing with failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\Q:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )'

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\R:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\R:', 0x80000000, 1, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): EXITing with failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\R:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )'

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\S:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\S:', 0x80000000, 1, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): EXITing with failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\S:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )'

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\T:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\T:', 0x80000000, 1, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): EXITing with failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\T:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )'

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\U:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\U:', 0x80000000, 1, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): EXITing with failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\U:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )'

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\V:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\V:', 0x80000000, 1, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): EXITing with failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\V:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )'

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\W:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\W:', 0x80000000, 1, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): EXITing with failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\W:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )'

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\X:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\X:', 0x80000000, 1, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): EXITing with failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\X:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )'

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\Y:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\Y:', 0x80000000, 1, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): EXITing with failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\Y:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )'

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\Z:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\Z:', 0x80000000, 1, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )
CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): EXITing with failure, status 5, message 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): CreateFile( '\\.\Z:', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )'

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): WARNING! CreateFile( '\\.\StarOpen', 0xc0000000, 3, 0x00000000, 3, 0, 0x00000000 ) failed, status 2 ( 0x2 )

CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI::CStarBurn_ScsiTransportSPTI(): Device '\\.\E:' has SCSI address of 0:0:1:0

SCSI Capabilites Dump:
Length: 24 UCHAR(s), Maximum Transfer Lenght: 131072 UCHAR(s)
Maximum Physical Page(s) Per Data Buffer: 32, Supported Asynchronous Event(s): 0, Alignment Mask: 1
Tagged Command Queueing Supported: No, Adapter Scans Down for BIOS Device(s): No, Adapter Uses Programmed I/O: No

SCSI Device Inquiry Data Dump:
Device Type: 0x05, Removable: Yes
SCSI Version: 0, Soft Reset Supported: No
Command Queue Supported: No, Linked Commands Supported: No
Sync Transfer Supported: No, 16-bit bus: No
32-bit bus: No, Relative Addressing Supported: No
Vendor ID: 'HL-DT-ST', Product ID: 'DVDRAM GSA-4163B', Revision Level: 'A102'

CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneric::CStarBurn_ScsiDeviceGeneric_SharedConstructor(): 'HL-DT-ST' - 'DVDRAM GSA-4163B' - 'A102' sits at 0:0:1:0

CD/DVD Capabilities Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x2A, Reserved1: 0x00, PSBit (Page Savable): 0
Page Size in UCHARs: 62 UCHARs, CD-R Read: Yes, CD-E Read: Yes
DVD-ROM Read: Yes, DVD-R Read: Yes, DVD-RAM Read: Yes, Reserved2: 0x00
CD-R Write: Yes, CD-E Write: Yes, Test Write: Yes
Reserved3: 0x00, DVD-R Write: Yes, DVD-RAM Write: Yes
Reserved4: 0x00, Audio Play: Yes, Composite: No
Digital Port One: No, Digital Port Two: No
MODE2 Form1: Yes, MODE2 Form2: Yes
Is Multi Session: Yes, CDDA: Yes, CDDAAccurate: Yes
BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Supported: Yes
RW Supported: No, RW Deinterleaved: No, C2Pointers: Yes
ISRC: Yes, UPC: Yes, Read Bar Code Capable: No
Lock: Yes, LockState: 0, Prevent Jumper: No
Reserved5: 0x00, Eject: Yes, Loading Mechanism Type: 0x01
Separate Volume: Yes, Separate Channel Mute: Yes
Supports Disc Present: No, SW Slot Selection: No
Side Change Capable: No, RW InLeadIn Readable: Yes, Reserved6: 0x00
Maximum Read Speed: 11080 KBps
Number Of Volume Level(s): 256, Buffer Size in KBs: 2048
Current Read Speed: 11080 KBps
Reserved7: 0x00
BCK: No, RCK: No, LSBF: No, Length: 0x00
Reserved8: 0x00
Maximum Write Speed: 5540 KBps
Current Write Speed: 5540 KBps
Reserved9: 0x0001

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_SharedConstructor(): Cache size is 0 MBs, 167772160 UCHARs

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetInsertedDiscType(): ENTERed

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetInsertedDiscType(): EXITing with success, disc type == 0x00000009 ( 9 )

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTOCForDVDOrBD(): Disc type is DVD-RAM or DVD+RW or BD-RE, check for UDF file system

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTOCForDVDOrBD(): Disc type is DVD-RAM or DVD+RW or BD-RE and doesn't containt UDF file system, read volume descriptor to check track size

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTOCForDVDOrBD(): DVD+RW or DVD-RAM or BD-RE media, PVD 0x43 0x44 0x30 0x30 0x31 present

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTOCForDVDOrBD(): Processing media in 'read track info' mode...
CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTOCForDVDOrBD(): ISO9660 track size corrected to 0

CStarBurn_DumpAndParseTrackInformation(): WARNING! Length 34 less then 40!

Track Information Dump:
Track Number: 1, Session Number: 1
Track Mode: 0x04, Copy: No, Damage: No
Data Mode: 0x01, FP (Fixed Packet): No, Packet: No, Blank: No
RT (Reserved Track): No, NWA_V (Next Writable Address Valid): No
Track Start Address (LBA): 0, Next Writable Address (LBA): 0
Free Logical Block(s): 0, Fixed Packet Size: 16 LB(s)
Track Size In LBs: 0, Last Recorded Address: 2295103

StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GetTrackInformation(): ENTERed for track number 0xFF

StarBurn_DumpCdvdWriteParametersPage(): WARNING! Size 50 less then 56!

Write Parameters Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x05, PSBit (Page Saveable): 0
Page Length: 50 UCHARs, Write Type: 0x01, Test Write: No, Reserved2_1: 0x01
BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Enabled: No
Track Mode: 0x04, Copy Allowed: No, FP (Is Fixed Packet): No
Next Session: 0x00, Data Block Type: 0x08, Reserved4: 0x00
Host Application Code: 0x00, Session Format: 0x00
Packet Size: 0, Audio Pause Length: 150
Media Catalog Number: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
ISRC: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
SubHeaderUCHAR0: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR1: 0x00
SubHeaderUCHAR2: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR3: 0x00
Vendor Specific: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

StarBurn_DumpCdvdWriteParametersPage(): WARNING! Size 50 less then 56!

Write Parameters Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x05, PSBit (Page Saveable): 0
Page Length: 50 UCHARs, Write Type: 0x01, Test Write: No, Reserved2_1: 0x00
BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Enabled: No
Track Mode: 0x04, Copy Allowed: No, FP (Is Fixed Packet): No
Next Session: 0x00, Data Block Type: 0x08, Reserved4: 0x00
Host Application Code: 0x00, Session Format: 0x00
Packet Size: 0, Audio Pause Length: 150
Media Catalog Number: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
ISRC: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
SubHeaderUCHAR0: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR1: 0x00
SubHeaderUCHAR2: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR3: 0x00
Vendor Specific: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

StarBurn_DumpCdvdWriteParametersPage(): WARNING! Size 50 less then 56!

Write Parameters Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x05, PSBit (Page Saveable): 0
Page Length: 50 UCHARs, Write Type: 0x01, Test Write: No, Reserved2_1: 0x01
BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Enabled: No
Track Mode: 0x04, Copy Allowed: No, FP (Is Fixed Packet): No
Next Session: 0x00, Data Block Type: 0x08, Reserved4: 0x00
Host Application Code: 0x00, Session Format: 0x00
Packet Size: 0, Audio Pause Length: 150
Media Catalog Number: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
ISRC: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
SubHeaderUCHAR0: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR1: 0x00
SubHeaderUCHAR2: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR3: 0x00
Vendor Specific: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTrackInformationForDVDPLUSRWOrDVDRAMOrBDRE(): Formatted DVD+RW or DVD-RAM or BD-RE media, capacity 2295103 LB(s)

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTrackInformationForDVDPLUSRWOrDVDRAMOrBDRE(): Formatted ( 2295103 ) DVD+RW or DVD-RAM or BD-RE media, PVD 0x43 0x44 0x30 0x30 0x31 present

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTrackInformationForDVDPLUSRWOrDVDRAMOrBDRE(): Second or invisible track ( 255 ) would be reported as blank

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTrackInformationForDVDPLUSRWOrDVDRAMOrBDRE(): EXITing with success

Track Information Dump:
Track Number: 2, Session Number: 2
Track Mode: 0x00, Copy: No, Damage: No
Data Mode: 0x01, FP (Fixed Packet): No, Packet: No, Blank: Yes
RT (Reserved Track): No, NWA_V (Next Writable Address Valid): Yes
Track Start Address (LBA): 0, Next Writable Address (LBA): 0
Free Logical Block(s): 2295103, Fixed Packet Size: 0 LB(s)
Track Size In LBs: 0, Last Recorded Address: 0

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetInsertedDiscType(): ENTERed

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetInsertedDiscType(): EXITing with success, disc type == 0x00000009 ( 9 )

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetInsertedDiscType(): ENTERed

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetInsertedDiscType(): EXITing with success, disc type == 0x00000009 ( 9 )

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTOCForDVDOrBD(): Disc type is DVD-RAM or DVD+RW or BD-RE, check for UDF file system

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTOCForDVDOrBD(): Disc type is DVD-RAM or DVD+RW or BD-RE and doesn't containt UDF file system, read volume descriptor to check track size

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTOCForDVDOrBD(): DVD+RW or DVD-RAM or BD-RE media, PVD 0x43 0x44 0x30 0x30 0x31 present

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTOCForDVDOrBD(): Processing media in 'read track info' mode...
CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTOCForDVDOrBD(): ISO9660 track size corrected to 0

CStarBurn_DumpAndParseTrackInformation(): WARNING! Length 34 less then 40!

Track Information Dump:
Track Number: 1, Session Number: 1
Track Mode: 0x04, Copy: No, Damage: No
Data Mode: 0x01, FP (Fixed Packet): No, Packet: No, Blank: No
RT (Reserved Track): No, NWA_V (Next Writable Address Valid): No
Track Start Address (LBA): 0, Next Writable Address (LBA): 0
Free Logical Block(s): 0, Fixed Packet Size: 16 LB(s)
Track Size In LBs: 0, Last Recorded Address: 2295103

StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GetTrackInformation(): ENTERed for track number 0xFF

StarBurn_DumpCdvdWriteParametersPage(): WARNING! Size 50 less then 56!

Write Parameters Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x05, PSBit (Page Saveable): 0
Page Length: 50 UCHARs, Write Type: 0x01, Test Write: No, Reserved2_1: 0x01
BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Enabled: No
Track Mode: 0x04, Copy Allowed: No, FP (Is Fixed Packet): No
Next Session: 0x00, Data Block Type: 0x08, Reserved4: 0x00
Host Application Code: 0x00, Session Format: 0x00
Packet Size: 0, Audio Pause Length: 150
Media Catalog Number: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
ISRC: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
SubHeaderUCHAR0: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR1: 0x00
SubHeaderUCHAR2: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR3: 0x00
Vendor Specific: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

StarBurn_DumpCdvdWriteParametersPage(): WARNING! Size 50 less then 56!

Write Parameters Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x05, PSBit (Page Saveable): 0
Page Length: 50 UCHARs, Write Type: 0x01, Test Write: No, Reserved2_1: 0x00
BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Enabled: No
Track Mode: 0x04, Copy Allowed: No, FP (Is Fixed Packet): No
Next Session: 0x00, Data Block Type: 0x08, Reserved4: 0x00
Host Application Code: 0x00, Session Format: 0x00
Packet Size: 0, Audio Pause Length: 150
Media Catalog Number: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
ISRC: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
SubHeaderUCHAR0: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR1: 0x00
SubHeaderUCHAR2: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR3: 0x00
Vendor Specific: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

StarBurn_DumpCdvdWriteParametersPage(): WARNING! Size 50 less then 56!

Write Parameters Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x05, PSBit (Page Saveable): 0
Page Length: 50 UCHARs, Write Type: 0x01, Test Write: No, Reserved2_1: 0x01
BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Enabled: No
Track Mode: 0x04, Copy Allowed: No, FP (Is Fixed Packet): No
Next Session: 0x00, Data Block Type: 0x08, Reserved4: 0x00
Host Application Code: 0x00, Session Format: 0x00
Packet Size: 0, Audio Pause Length: 150
Media Catalog Number: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
ISRC: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
SubHeaderUCHAR0: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR1: 0x00
SubHeaderUCHAR2: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR3: 0x00
Vendor Specific: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTrackInformationForDVDPLUSRWOrDVDRAMOrBDRE(): Formatted DVD+RW or DVD-RAM or BD-RE media, capacity 2295103 LB(s)

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTrackInformationForDVDPLUSRWOrDVDRAMOrBDRE(): Formatted ( 2295103 ) DVD+RW or DVD-RAM or BD-RE media, PVD 0x43 0x44 0x30 0x30 0x31 present

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTrackInformationForDVDPLUSRWOrDVDRAMOrBDRE(): Second or invisible track ( 255 ) would be reported as blank

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTrackInformationForDVDPLUSRWOrDVDRAMOrBDRE(): EXITing with success

Track Information Dump:
Track Number: 2, Session Number: 2
Track Mode: 0x00, Copy: No, Damage: No
Data Mode: 0x01, FP (Fixed Packet): No, Packet: No, Blank: Yes
RT (Reserved Track): No, NWA_V (Next Writable Address Valid): Yes
Track Start Address (LBA): 0, Next Writable Address (LBA): 0
Free Logical Block(s): 2295103, Fixed Packet Size: 0 LB(s)
Track Size In LBs: 0, Last Recorded Address: 0

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetInsertedDiscType(): ENTERed

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetInsertedDiscType(): EXITing with success, disc type == 0x00000009 ( 9 )

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetInsertedDiscType(): ENTERed

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetInsertedDiscType(): EXITing with success, disc type == 0x00000009 ( 9 )

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTOCForDVDOrBD(): Disc type is DVD-RAM or DVD+RW or BD-RE, check for UDF file system

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTOCForDVDOrBD(): Disc type is DVD-RAM or DVD+RW or BD-RE and doesn't containt UDF file system, read volume descriptor to check track size

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTOCForDVDOrBD(): DVD+RW or DVD-RAM or BD-RE media, PVD 0x43 0x44 0x30 0x30 0x31 present

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTOCForDVDOrBD(): Processing media in 'read track info' mode...
CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTOCForDVDOrBD(): ISO9660 track size corrected to 0

CStarBurn_DumpAndParseTrackInformation(): WARNING! Length 34 less then 40!

Track Information Dump:
Track Number: 1, Session Number: 1
Track Mode: 0x04, Copy: No, Damage: No
Data Mode: 0x01, FP (Fixed Packet): No, Packet: No, Blank: No
RT (Reserved Track): No, NWA_V (Next Writable Address Valid): No
Track Start Address (LBA): 0, Next Writable Address (LBA): 0
Free Logical Block(s): 0, Fixed Packet Size: 16 LB(s)
Track Size In LBs: 0, Last Recorded Address: 2295103

StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GetTrackInformation(): ENTERed for track number 0xFF

StarBurn_DumpCdvdWriteParametersPage(): WARNING! Size 50 less then 56!

Write Parameters Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x05, PSBit (Page Saveable): 0
Page Length: 50 UCHARs, Write Type: 0x01, Test Write: No, Reserved2_1: 0x01
BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Enabled: No
Track Mode: 0x04, Copy Allowed: No, FP (Is Fixed Packet): No
Next Session: 0x00, Data Block Type: 0x08, Reserved4: 0x00
Host Application Code: 0x00, Session Format: 0x00
Packet Size: 0, Audio Pause Length: 150
Media Catalog Number: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
ISRC: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
SubHeaderUCHAR0: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR1: 0x00
SubHeaderUCHAR2: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR3: 0x00
Vendor Specific: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

StarBurn_DumpCdvdWriteParametersPage(): WARNING! Size 50 less then 56!

Write Parameters Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x05, PSBit (Page Saveable): 0
Page Length: 50 UCHARs, Write Type: 0x01, Test Write: No, Reserved2_1: 0x00
BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Enabled: No
Track Mode: 0x04, Copy Allowed: No, FP (Is Fixed Packet): No
Next Session: 0x00, Data Block Type: 0x08, Reserved4: 0x00
Host Application Code: 0x00, Session Format: 0x00
Packet Size: 0, Audio Pause Length: 150
Media Catalog Number: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
ISRC: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
SubHeaderUCHAR0: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR1: 0x00
SubHeaderUCHAR2: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR3: 0x00
Vendor Specific: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

StarBurn_DumpCdvdWriteParametersPage(): WARNING! Size 50 less then 56!

Write Parameters Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x05, PSBit (Page Saveable): 0
Page Length: 50 UCHARs, Write Type: 0x01, Test Write: No, Reserved2_1: 0x01
BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Enabled: No
Track Mode: 0x04, Copy Allowed: No, FP (Is Fixed Packet): No
Next Session: 0x00, Data Block Type: 0x08, Reserved4: 0x00
Host Application Code: 0x00, Session Format: 0x00
Packet Size: 0, Audio Pause Length: 150
Media Catalog Number: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
ISRC: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
SubHeaderUCHAR0: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR1: 0x00
SubHeaderUCHAR2: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR3: 0x00
Vendor Specific: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTrackInformationForDVDPLUSRWOrDVDRAMOrBDRE(): Formatted DVD+RW or DVD-RAM or BD-RE media, capacity 2295103 LB(s)

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTrackInformationForDVDPLUSRWOrDVDRAMOrBDRE(): Formatted ( 2295103 ) DVD+RW or DVD-RAM or BD-RE media, PVD 0x43 0x44 0x30 0x30 0x31 present

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTrackInformationForDVDPLUSRWOrDVDRAMOrBDRE(): Second or invisible track ( 255 ) would be reported as blank

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTrackInformationForDVDPLUSRWOrDVDRAMOrBDRE(): EXITing with success

Track Information Dump:
Track Number: 2, Session Number: 2
Track Mode: 0x00, Copy: No, Damage: No
Data Mode: 0x01, FP (Fixed Packet): No, Packet: No, Blank: Yes
RT (Reserved Track): No, NWA_V (Next Writable Address Valid): Yes
Track Start Address (LBA): 0, Next Writable Address (LBA): 0
Free Logical Block(s): 2295103, Fixed Packet Size: 0 LB(s)
Track Size In LBs: 0, Last Recorded Address: 0

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetInsertedDiscType(): ENTERed

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetInsertedDiscType(): EXITing with success, disc type == 0x00000009 ( 9 )

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetCdvdSpeeds(): ENTERed

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetCdvdSpeeds(): [ CD ] Current Read 11080, Maximum Read 11080, Current Write 5540, Maximum Write 5540

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetCurrentSpeedsForDVD(): UPDATED, Descriptor: 0, Current read speed in KBps: 11083, StartPerformance: 4584, EndPerformance: 11083

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetCurrentSpeedsForDVD(): UPDATED, Descriptor: 0, Current write speed in KBps: 5540, StartPerformance: 5540, EndPerformance: 5540

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMaximumSpeedsForDVD(): UPDATED, Descriptor: 0, Maximum read speed in KBps: 4584, ReadValue: 4584

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMaximumSpeedsForDVD(): UPDATED, Descriptor: 0, Maximum write speed in KBps: 5540, WriteValue: 5540

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMaximumSpeedsForDVD(): IGNORED, Descriptor: 1, Maximum read speed in KBps: 4584, ReadValue: 4584

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetMaximumSpeedsForDVD(): IGNORED, Descriptor: 1, Maximum write speed in KBps: 5540, WriteValue: 3324

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetCdvdSpeeds(): [ DVD ] Current Read 11083, Maximum Read 4584, Current Write 5540, Maximum Write 5540

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetCdvdSpeeds(): Using CD-style values for everything except maximum write speed

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetCdvdSpeeds(): EXITing with success

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTOCForDVDOrBD(): Disc type is DVD-RAM or DVD+RW or BD-RE, check for UDF file system

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTOCForDVDOrBD(): Disc type is DVD-RAM or DVD+RW or BD-RE and doesn't containt UDF file system, read volume descriptor to check track size

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTOCForDVDOrBD(): DVD+RW or DVD-RAM or BD-RE media, PVD 0x43 0x44 0x30 0x30 0x31 present

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTOCForDVDOrBD(): Processing media in 'read track info' mode...
CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTOCForDVDOrBD(): ISO9660 track size corrected to 0

CStarBurn_DumpAndParseTrackInformation(): WARNING! Length 34 less then 40!

Track Information Dump:
Track Number: 1, Session Number: 1
Track Mode: 0x04, Copy: No, Damage: No
Data Mode: 0x01, FP (Fixed Packet): No, Packet: No, Blank: No
RT (Reserved Track): No, NWA_V (Next Writable Address Valid): No
Track Start Address (LBA): 0, Next Writable Address (LBA): 0
Free Logical Block(s): 0, Fixed Packet Size: 16 LB(s)
Track Size In LBs: 0, Last Recorded Address: 2295103

StarBurn:StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GetTrackInformation(): ENTERed for track number 0xFF

StarBurn_DumpCdvdWriteParametersPage(): WARNING! Size 50 less then 56!

Write Parameters Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x05, PSBit (Page Saveable): 0
Page Length: 50 UCHARs, Write Type: 0x01, Test Write: No, Reserved2_1: 0x01
BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Enabled: No
Track Mode: 0x04, Copy Allowed: No, FP (Is Fixed Packet): No
Next Session: 0x00, Data Block Type: 0x08, Reserved4: 0x00
Host Application Code: 0x00, Session Format: 0x00
Packet Size: 0, Audio Pause Length: 150
Media Catalog Number: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
ISRC: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
SubHeaderUCHAR0: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR1: 0x00
SubHeaderUCHAR2: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR3: 0x00
Vendor Specific: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

StarBurn_DumpCdvdWriteParametersPage(): WARNING! Size 50 less then 56!

Write Parameters Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x05, PSBit (Page Saveable): 0
Page Length: 50 UCHARs, Write Type: 0x01, Test Write: No, Reserved2_1: 0x00
BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Enabled: No
Track Mode: 0x04, Copy Allowed: No, FP (Is Fixed Packet): No
Next Session: 0x00, Data Block Type: 0x08, Reserved4: 0x00
Host Application Code: 0x00, Session Format: 0x00
Packet Size: 0, Audio Pause Length: 150
Media Catalog Number: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
ISRC: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
SubHeaderUCHAR0: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR1: 0x00
SubHeaderUCHAR2: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR3: 0x00
Vendor Specific: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

StarBurn_DumpCdvdWriteParametersPage(): WARNING! Size 50 less then 56!

Write Parameters Page Dump:
Page Code: 0x05, PSBit (Page Saveable): 0
Page Length: 50 UCHARs, Write Type: 0x01, Test Write: No, Reserved2_1: 0x01
BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Enabled: No
Track Mode: 0x04, Copy Allowed: No, FP (Is Fixed Packet): No
Next Session: 0x00, Data Block Type: 0x08, Reserved4: 0x00
Host Application Code: 0x00, Session Format: 0x00
Packet Size: 0, Audio Pause Length: 150
Media Catalog Number: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
ISRC: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
SubHeaderUCHAR0: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR1: 0x00
SubHeaderUCHAR2: 0x00, SubHeaderUCHAR3: 0x00
Vendor Specific: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTrackInformationForDVDPLUSRWOrDVDRAMOrBDRE(): Formatted DVD+RW or DVD-RAM or BD-RE media, capacity 2295103 LB(s)

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTrackInformationForDVDPLUSRWOrDVDRAMOrBDRE(): Formatted ( 2295103 ) DVD+RW or DVD-RAM or BD-RE media, PVD 0x43 0x44 0x30 0x30 0x31 present

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTrackInformationForDVDPLUSRWOrDVDRAMOrBDRE(): Second or invisible track ( 255 ) would be reported as blank

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::ReadTrackInformationForDVDPLUSRWOrDVDRAMOrBDRE(): EXITing with success

Track Information Dump:
Track Number: 2, Session Number: 2
Track Mode: 0x00, Copy: No, Damage: No
Data Mode: 0x01, FP (Fixed Packet): No, Packet: No, Blank: Yes
RT (Reserved Track): No, NWA_V (Next Writable Address Valid): Yes
Track Start Address (LBA): 0, Next Writable Address (LBA): 0
Free Logical Block(s): 2295103, Fixed Packet Size: 0 LB(s)
Track Size In LBs: 0, Last Recorded Address: 0

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetInsertedDiscType(): ENTERed

CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::GetInsertedDiscType(): EXITing with success, disc type == 0x00000009 ( 9 )

StarBurn:UDF_FileGetSizeInUCHARs(): File size in UCHARs 10057406, file size in LBs 4911

StarBurn:StarBurn_UDF_CreateEx(): ENTERed

StarBurn:StarBurn_UDF_CreateEx(): VolumeID 'INVENTIS'

StarBurn:StarBurn_UDF_CreateEx(): Last touched RBA 3 after file content parse, Number of files 1, Number of directories 1

StarBurn:StarBurn_UDF_CreateEx(): Unique Id 17

StarBurn:StarBurn_UDF_CreateEx(): Creating pure UDF FS

StarBurn:StarBurn_UDF_CreateEx(): Last touched RBA 3

UDF:UDF_StoreSystemStructuresTreeItemToMemory(): ENTERed for 002366D8, 0B47D630, 03BED844

UDF:UDF_StoreSystemStructuresTreeItemToMemory(): EXITing for 002366D8 ( 1 )

StarBurn:StarBurn_UDF_CreateEx(): System structures size in UCHARs 6144

CStarBurn_DiskFile::CStarBurn_DiskFile(): DuplicateHandle() failed, status 6
CStarBurn_DiskFile::CStarBurn_DiskFile(): EXITing with failure, exception number 0x00000005, exception text 'CStarBurn_DiskFile::CStarBurn_DiskFile(): DuplicateHandle() failed, status 6!!!'

StarBurn:StarBurn_UDF_CreateEx(): SystemStructures size = 6144, Allocated = 8192

StarBurn:StarBurn_UDF_CreateEx(): EXITing with status 0x00000005

I hope to have provided enough details now :)


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:59 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:03 am
Posts: 4089
Location: British Virgin Islands
Closer :) But not close enough. OK, can you do such a things:

1) Tiny app doing ONLY DVD-Video (UDF) tree creation?
2) Run DbgView from www.sysinternals.com to capture the log (it does a bit more then we do).

And drop me a message to info@rocketdivision.com with the results. I'm afraid I'll have to issue you with dedicated debug build with ALL trace messages enabled... As I'm a bit lost in what's going on :)

But we'll fix it!

Thank you!

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