I would appreciate if you'd issue me with a StarBurn.log and StarWave.log of both operations. MP3 and WMA decoding is built-in into StarBurn and there should be a reason why decoding failed (files were rejected). For now I guess there's something wrong with your system configuration (old media formats support installed) or so. But to be 100% sure I need logs... Thanks!
MaximVolobuev wrote:
I tried to write Audio CD by using program from examples (DiscAtOnceFromFile.exe) and I receive strange effects: firstly the program does not accept MP3 and WMA files, though in an example is told, that record of such files is possible. But besides, when I record RAW WAV file all operations passed without any errors, but any program don't recognize track on the recorded disk as audio track. What reason of it?
StarBurn SDK version: 5.8.24 (Build 2005-08-24)
OS: Windows XP SP2
Recorded: LG DVDRAM GSA-4082B
Thanks in advance,