I used NTSC
I tried Author DVD then DVDAuthorGUI saids Please add more titles
I went to CANAAN CAMPER CLUB and tried CCC
DVDAuthorGUI saids Nav Packets are not Detected in CCC.vob. Please demultiplex. What? How do I demultiplex?
I then tried mpeg elemertry stream(*m2v, *m1v,*.mpv)
It said CCC.vob is used so I used CC. it then saids
audio stream(*.ac3, *.mp2, *mpa, *.m2a) and wants another file. ok, I name it to C.
it saids 1 titles loaded
then saids C:\CANAAN CAMPER CLUB\C.ac3 appears to be missing.
and 1 titles loaded is missing.
I don't know if movies has sound or not. I can't hear anything. Deaf.
I also have a stroke from 92 or 94. Use one hand and use a scooter when I need to walk very far.
Now what do I Do?
I have a volunteer mission Printing trip tomorrow. Wife and I collated
till about 1:15 then a guy from Church is coming over to see if He can help me. CANAAN CAMPER CLUB is another group that I go camping with once a mouth.
I don't what DVD Burner He uses.
I still have Nero, InfraRecorder, and StarBurn. I never heard for anyone but Peter.