dasphantom wrote:
I recently got StarBurn 9.1 and was well impressed with it at first sight. It wrote a DVD-Video I prepared without problems and it's free!! When I wanted to burn an ordinary data disc last night, however, I found that it is not possible to add the complete content of a folder including subfolders if I do not want the folder itself to be on the disc. Just for clarification, the structure of my directory c:\my_new_cd
If I add the directory my_new_cd, it gets written on the CD, but I would prefer setup.exe and readme.txt in the root directory of the CD.
If I want to do that, I can add the files (all at once, that's ok), but I have to add each and every single subfolder seperately (and click through the whole structure of my harddrive), which is not really fun. I have tried dragging and dropping from Windows Explorer, but to no avail. An update to version 9.5 (btw. your webpage still says 9.1) did nothing to change this.
The same problem applies to creating images, as this functions seems to use the same add-dialogue.
Is there something I don't understand or is this a limitation of the software?
Thank you very much for your help!
You currently right, now data disc burning and image building wizards not very handy. This will be checked in next release.
Version 9.5 available by link: