You need to use StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GrabRange(...) code. It works with a small junks of recorded image per time. You need to compare it's result (memory or small file content) with a ISO9660/Joliet/UDF file tree you're burning (just do not forget to call SeekToBegin(...) code on the tree before comparing, b/s maker is set to the very end of the virtual FS image after burning process is done).
Vetch wrote:
I see two possibilities: using GrabTrack and by simply opening and reading each file on disc. I hope first method gives me info about badblocks, second method gives more details about inaccessible file. Do you know any other, better methods ?
I not used GrabTrack yet; how works this fn with p__PCHAR__FileName = NULL ? If returns with error, then maybe should work in "veryfing" mode, reading data only to small buffer in memory ?