1) Good! So please next time if you'll have any problems with the SDK do not hesitate to contact us. In the other case I'll have to fire support engineers. You do not want their families to die from starvation, don't you?
2) If you'd see the file StarBurn.pas the declaration of the PCALLBACK procedure it changed from CDECL to STDCALL. During execution if you'd build the code with the old header and new StarBurn.dll (*EXACTLY* your case) you should have this code executed (part of the initialization inside StarBurn.pas):
If StarBurn_GetVersion = BUILD_DATE Then Begin
Tmp := 'StarBurn.pas : StarBurn.dll version : 0x'+ IntToHex(BUILD_DATE,8);
OutputDebugString( PChar ( Tmp ) );
Else Begin
Tmp := 'StarBurn.pas : Invalid StarBurn.dll version : 0x'+ IntToHex(StarBurn_GetVersion,8) + '. Expected : 0x'+IntToHex(BUILD_DATE,8);
OutputDebugString( PChar ( Tmp ) );
so in the debug output you'll have warnings about version mismatch. That should be a "RED LIGHT" signalling something goes wrong... It's a bad idea to ignore such a warning, don't you think so?
3) During downloads (ANY) you're filling the form with the checkbox named "I want to receive RocketDivision News MailList ". Unchecked by default. So you've never asked to receive news mail... For now we've manually added you to the posting database.
Alex wrote:
OK, Thanks for explanations.
I'm agree I had not look for this bug myself.
You did not update all the headers and did not rebuild your projects.
I see only header - starburn.pas. Did I miss something else ?
I do not use your samplestools.pas as I have my own callback functions. You mean this file? Or some other?
If you'd have your e-mail in the news subscriptions ...
And how to subscribe to your news. I am looking at your site and can not find any links to subscribe. In most cases such links are visible enough.