Hello there,
First of all, I'd like to say that I think the StarBurn SDK is absolutely brilliant. I have actually bought and paid for it and I am very satisified

. *Much* better than IMAPI, which is what I was using before. Keep up the good work.
My reason for posting is that StarBurn generates an exception when page heap checking is enabled in Windows. Although this is not causing any problems in the field, it interferes with my testing somewhat and points to a deeper problem, as such exceptions usually arise from using a pointer that has been freed.
The call that generates the exception is StarBurn_ISO9660JolietFileTree_ImportTrack. I imagine you will be able to reproduce the problem easily once you have turn on page heap checking for your test app. To do that, enter the following at the command line:
gflags -p /enable testapp.exe /full /decommit
where testapp.exe is the name of your test program. You need the .exe on the end. gflags itself is distributed with the debugging tools for windows (HTTP://WWW.MICROSOFT.COM/WHDC/DEVTOOLS/DEBUGGING/DEFAULT.MSPX).
Since I discovered page heap checking, I have found a lot of bugs in my own code and I imagine you will too. It is quite wonderful. Recommended.