Hi Anton, you replied to one of my emails with:
"Please see ReadLB(…) API and also check AudioCompressor sample. You can read logical blocks from the disc Manually and then you can send them to compressed writer object. You’ll have WMA, MP3 or OGG. Or you Can rip to WAV with GrabTrack(…) and you can re-compress to WMA/MP3/OGG later using very simple API."
1/ Is there an example of this for me to start reviewing while the grabber is being fixed in the X version, because I really don't understand?
2/ Is there a reason why AudioCompressor isn't built into "X"? I would
DEFINITELY want this more than controlling the gap space with TAO!
3/ You've stated two ways of doing this, which one is faster in the application and which one is easier to accomplish (programming)?
4/ I could swear I've read here that I shouldn't mix "X" version with "core" function calls...I should either use the "X" version or "core" version. Isn't calling the API using the "core"?