bbriggstkd wrote:
Why do you do a SetSpeeds then a GetSpeeds?
To know the current speed.
bbriggstkd wrote:
Why do you do a GetTrackInformation before you write?
To get information about free space on the disc
bbriggstkd wrote:
Why do you do a GetDiskInformation before you write?
To know the status of the last session and the status of the disc.
Disc can be closed.
bbriggstkd wrote:
What does the SetCDTextItem do?
It sets CD-TEXT for audio CD. But, CD-TEXT supported only for
Disc-At-Once raw P-W mode. For other modes it will be ignored.
ps. CD-TEXT - it's a text information about audio tracks. It can be recognized by some players and grabbers. For example, by CDEx.
bbriggstkd wrote:
How do I set the gap between tracks for an audioCD?
Anton will answer you.
bbriggstkd wrote:
I'm not really following what you are doing with the long integers. It looks like the values are being passed through the callback. Where does the quadpart come into play? I can't seem to find a structure or anything with that attribute. Is that something native to C++ or something?
How do I translate that in VB? Can I use a double or something?
LARGE_INTEGER - it's a 64-bits integer type.
quadpart - it's a 64-bits part of LARGE_INTEGER
lowpart - it's a low 32-bits of LARGE_INTEGER
hipart - it's a high 32 bits of LARGE_INTEGER