You need to call GetTOCInformation(...) and parse TOC_ENTRY structure for each track. m__BOOLEAN__IsData for all of the tracks means "pure data disc", m__BOOLEAN__IsAudio for all of the tracks means "pure audio disc", combination of m__BOOLEAN__IsData == TRUE and m__BOOLEAN__IsAudio == TRUE means "mixed mode or enhanced disc" and if you'll find single data track with m__UCHAR__TrackMode == 0x02 and m__UCHAR__MODE2Form == 0x02 this means you have "video or super video disc".
You can always get device symbolic link from StarBurn_GetDeviceNameFromDeviceAddress(...) for ASPI (or you know the drive letter yourself if you deal with SPTI). This would give you ability to try CreateFile( ... ) on generated suspected path. Say "D:\AutoExec.bat". So you'll be able to say which files root folder of the disc contains.
That's all
betty crokker wrote:
My last post today
If I ask the user to insert a disc, and I determine that the disc is not empty (my previous post), what is the best way to get a quick summary as to what is on the disc, so I can display that information to the user?
What I would like to be able to do, is to give the user information like
"This disc contains audio tracks"
"This disc contains a movie"
"This disc contains files such as AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS"
Do you have any functions that help me determine this kind of information?