Vetch wrote:
I created test disc with five data tracks. Each of them is recorded with files and directories. There is some files and one subdirectory with "hidden" attribute set.
And... none of these "hidden" files is NOT imported to or visible in joliet file tree, when i'm iterating the tree. Only files and directories without "hidden" attribute are well imported. Of course, these hidden files are visible in normal read mode with explorer. Is it a bug
anton (staff) wrote:
This is correct behaviour from our point of view. Do you want to control this process? I mean should we provide you the way to import or not hidden files from the imported session?
I think, library sholud import all data to file tree. Then i can use kid attributes to get files i like from it. So, if you can update this track import function, it will be nice
But, of course, i can live without these hidden files
Vetch wrote:
How to get more kid node details: size and date of file ?
anton (staff) wrote:
Whoops... This stuff (except for the name and attributes) seems to be non-exported. Can you list other things you'd like to have and I'll add Ex variant of the code.
I will check this, but if i remember, Nero for example shows imported data tracks with all description for each file: name, attr, date and size. Of course, date and size of file is not strongly required for me, but... it simply looks better in list view control
I can do that also in another way: simple filefirst, filenext disc files iteration to get it all
Thanks for your help !