#1 Burning Software

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 Post subject: Console - MS-DOS Prompt
PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 10:51 am 

Joined: Fri Oct 14, 2005 5:28 pm
Posts: 16
Please sorry for my bad english, as you know i'm italian...

my question is very simple, i'm able to use only vb.net and really now i have not time to learn some others language...

nturally i already found your console examples to insert in my project as "batch processes"

yesterday i tryed for the first time one of yours console application of starburn sdk..i tried the dynamic one...

first i copied with success a cd, ulead photoimpact 11, to my c: hard drive. i used the grabdisc with the raw setting to do this.

after i tried to burn it back to an empty disc, and i used the discatoncefromfile 1 0 0 0 -burn c:\ulead.mds
the burning process never ended, and after i rebooted my pc i found only a small burned circle in the disk...

please can you tell me the best way to burn back an mds image? is the discatoncefromfile the correct application?

i will try soon also the sao and tao ones, but i need to know if there is something i mistake in the startup....

hope someone should help me as soon as possible, because i need to start to build my software and i need to know wich software should i consider to purchase....

best regards...


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 12:22 pm 

Joined: Fri Oct 14, 2005 5:28 pm
Posts: 16
Me again,
i worked around your help and i found the sessionatoncerawrawpw fo the correct mds burning application.

unfortunately i teste it with all my burners, in test mode and in real burner mode but i receive every time the same error:

C:\STAR>sessionatoncerawrawpw 1 0 1 0 c:\ulead.mds 0

SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): ENTERed for 7 argument(s)
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): 160 MBs of cache will be used during burn process
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Probing SCSI address 1:0:1:0 for CD/DVD burner dev
ice... OK!
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Found CD/DVD device 'LITE-ON ' - 'LTR-24103S
' - 'XB04' with 2031616 UCHARs of cache
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Device name '\\.\F:'
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Probing supported write modes... OK!
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Track-At-Once: Yes, Session-At-Once: Yes, Disc-At-
Once PQ: Yes, Disc-At-Once raw P-W: Yes
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Testing unit ready... OK!
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Getting BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) support..
. OK!
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Enabled: No, Supp
orted: Yes
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Enabling BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection)... OK!
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Setting maximum supported CD/DVD speeds... OK!
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Getting current CD/DVD speeds... OK!
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Current read speed 2112 KBps (2112 maximum)
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Current write speed 4224 KBps (4224 maximum)
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Getting track information... OK!
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Track blank: Yes, NWA valid: Yes, free LBs 359845,
NWA 0, Track number 1
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Getting disc information... OK!
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Disc erasable: No, Disc status: 0x00, Last session
status: 0x00, Disc type: 2
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Sending OPC (Optimum Power Calibration)... OK!
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Writing the stuff to the CD/DVD disc >>>
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:Callback(): Target file size in UCHARs 756397728, LBs 3089
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:Callback(): TARGET_FILE_ANALYZE_END

SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_SessionAtOnceRawRawPW()
failed, exception 8, status 31, text 'CStarBurn_ScsiTransportASPI::ExecuteCDB()
: Command failed'

SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): EXITing with failure

Please help me

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 3:10 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:03 am
Posts: 4089
Location: British Virgin Islands
You'd better send us StarBurn log (console output is never enough to trace the problem - see FAQ on how to submit correct bug reports) but I can bet your hardware is simply not capable of doing RAW SAO + SUB. It's easy to check - download Alcohol 120% and if would refuse to burn at this device in RAW SAO + SUB -> you're out of luck.

 Post subject: Hardware?
PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 7:20 pm 

Joined: Fri Oct 14, 2005 5:28 pm
Posts: 16
Hello Mr. Anton,
like ever, very thanks for you fast reply...

I will try Alchol asap...

meanwhile i have a little one more question for you....

In the Ms-Dos tools, i have a lot of you apps:

21/03/2006 23.59 201.728 AudioCompressor.exe
21/03/2006 23.59 177.152 Blank.exe
21/03/2006 23.59 198.144 BuildImage.exe
21/03/2006 23.59 174.592 CloseSession.exe
21/03/2006 23.59 253.440 DiscAtOnceFromFile.exe
21/03/2006 23.59 248.320 DiscAtOnceFromTree.exe
21/03/2006 23.59 189.440 DVDVideoBuildImage.exe
21/03/2006 23.59 190.976 DVDVideoBuildImageEx.exe
21/03/2006 23.59 229.376 DVDVideoTrackAtOnceFromTree.exe
21/03/2006 23.59 230.912 DVDVideoTrackAtOnceFromTreeEx.exe
21/03/2006 23.59 167.424 ExecuteGeneric.exe
21/03/2006 23.59 168.448 FindDevice.exe
21/03/2006 23.59 167.424 FindDeviceEx.exe
21/03/2006 23.59 219.648 GrabDisc.exe
21/03/2006 23.59 184.832 GrabRange.exe
21/03/2006 23.59 185.856 GrabTrack.exe
21/03/2006 23.59 168.960 LockUnLock.exe
15/11/2003 16.54 36.864 ogg.dll
22/03/2006 00.00 234.496 SessionAtOnceFromFile.exe
21/03/2006 23.59 233.984 SessionAtOnceFromFileEx.exe
22/03/2006 00.00 254.976 SessionAtOnceFromTree.exe
22/03/2006 00.00 213.504 SessionAtOnceRawRawPW.exe
21/03/2006 23.59 461.312 StarBurn.dll
03/07/2003 05.44 1.536.000 StarBurn_SuperVideoCD.iso
03/07/2003 21.06 1.536.000 StarBurn_VideoCD.iso
21/03/2006 23.59 150.016 StarPort.exe
22/03/2006 00.00 213.504 SuperVideoCD.exe
22/03/2006 00.00 221.184 SuperVideoCDEx.exe
22/03/2006 00.00 238.592 TrackAtOnceFromFile.exe
22/03/2006 00.00 232.960 TrackAtOnceFromTree.exe
22/03/2006 00.00 232.960 TrackAtOnceFromTreeWithBoot.exe
22/03/2006 00.00 241.152 TrackAtOnceFromTreeWithImport.exe
21/03/2006 23.59 192.512 UDFBuildImage.exe
21/03/2006 23.59 189.952 VerifyFile.exe
22/03/2006 00.00 212.992 VideoCD.exe
22/03/2006 00.00 220.160 VideoCDEx.exe
16/11/2003 09.48 1.060.864 vorbis.dll
16/11/2003 09.48 65.536 vorbisfile.dll
21/03/2006 23.59 125.440 WnASPI32.dll

Well, i have the same Failure with my Lite-On DVD Burner...should be possible to have 2 incompatible hardawares casuality? YES, this should be because the Sessionatoncerawrawpw is one way to copy a disk and this should be possible...

then, there is a way to copy a disc with other command line tools? As for example should i try to use the DAO or TAO instead the SAORawRaw one? this question is because in the past i already used Alcohol with 100% success (i don't remember the write mode) but anyway i got my result 100% good....Then Alcohol is also able to use some other burning way than the SAORawRaw, is your Starburn able to do it in the same way? and , if yes, how?

Very thanks for your time....


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 7:38 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:03 am
Posts: 4089
Location: British Virgin Islands
No, we don't support complete DAO 1:1 CD copy in StarBurn. And don't have plans to support it (tons of readons). So if RAW SAO + SUB does not work with particular burner - you're out of luck with StarBurn engine.

 Post subject: No prob
PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 8:48 pm 

Joined: Fri Oct 14, 2005 5:28 pm
Posts: 16
Ok, no problem Anton, i understand it, i have old drives. It's not a problem for me this...
But if i will decide to buy your product, i will need to be able to sell it to my customers...

Then please can you let me know how many burners is your software supporting in sessionatoncerawrawpw mode? naturally i don't need to know the exact number, please, if you can, give me only a simple percentage around....like 30-40-70% and other.....only to have a little idea on how many people every 100 will be able to use my software...

Thanks again for your absolutely perfect support...


 Post subject: Re: No prob
PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 9:01 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:03 am
Posts: 4089
Location: British Virgin Islands
The problem is not in old drives. Quite a lot of new ones have no RAW SAO + SUB support as well.

1:1 CD copy is not StarBurn mainstream feature. So if you need to have this one as mandatory - I'd recommend you to look for other toolkit. Golden Hawk or Padus are the ones who claim 1:1 CD copy as fully supported. Try talking or evaluating their products.

WolverineSoft wrote:
Ok, no problem Anton, i understand it, i have old drives. It's not a problem for me this...
But if i will decide to buy your product, i will need to be able to sell it to my customers...

Then please can you let me know how many burners is your software supporting in sessionatoncerawrawpw mode? naturally i don't need to know the exact number, please, if you can, give me only a simple percentage around....like 30-40-70% and other.....only to have a little idea on how many people every 100 will be able to use my software...

Thanks again for your absolutely perfect support...


 Post subject: 1:1
PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 9:28 pm 

Joined: Fri Oct 14, 2005 5:28 pm
Posts: 16
Anton, i will let you know my decision about the purchase of your product.
Anyway i don't want a 1:1 software to copy protected discs....i need only to create a software to copy most discs, naturally without duplicate protection schemes.....

GoldenHawk unfortunately does not provide a way to copy dvds, but only single-session cds...

Padus does not have command line utilities (only c++ libraries), and theyr price is really tooo much for my bank account ;)

I will try soon to test your DVD Video burning solution........it sounds good to me...

Finally i appreciate very much your work, and hope you will continue to produce great softwares like yours for a long time....


 Post subject: Re: 1:1
PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 9:35 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:03 am
Posts: 4089
Location: British Virgin Islands
We take care of the single-session CDs also. And can do everything (including decryption) for DVDs.

WolverineSoft wrote:
Anton, i will let you know my decision about the purchase of your product.
Anyway i don't want a 1:1 software to copy protected discs....i need only to create a software to copy most discs, naturally without duplicate protection schemes.....

GoldenHawk unfortunately does not provide a way to copy dvds, but only single-session cds...

Padus does not have command line utilities (only c++ libraries), and theyr price is really tooo much for my bank account ;)

I will try soon to test your DVD Video burning solution........it sounds good to me...

Finally i appreciate very much your work, and hope you will continue to produce great softwares like yours for a long time....


 Post subject: Very Good
PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 12:34 pm 

Joined: Fri Oct 14, 2005 5:28 pm
Posts: 16
Finally i reached my result with your great software.
I should think to build a software only for 'elite' users which have the SaoRawRawPw burner-able..

Here the result:
C:\STAR>sessionatoncerawrawpw 3 0 2 0 c:\Ghost.mds 0

SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): ENTERed for 7 argument(s)
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): 160 MBs of cache will be used during burn process
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Probing SCSI address 3:0:2:0 for CD/DVD burner dev
ice... OK!
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Found CD/DVD device 'ASUS ' - 'CRW-5232AS
' - '1.0 ' with 2097152 UCHARs of cache
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Device name '\\.\H:'
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Probing supported write modes... OK!
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Track-At-Once: Yes, Session-At-Once: Yes, Disc-At-
Once PQ: Yes, Disc-At-Once raw P-W: Yes
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Testing unit ready... OK!
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Getting BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) support..
. OK!
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Enabled: Yes, Sup
ported: Yes
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Enabling BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection)... OK!
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Setting maximum supported CD/DVD speeds... OK!
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Getting current CD/DVD speeds... OK!
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Current read speed 9173 KBps (9173 maximum)
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Current write speed 8468 KBps (8468 maximum)
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Getting track information... OK!
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Track blank: Yes, NWA valid: Yes, free LBs 359845,
NWA 0, Track number 1
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Getting disc information... OK!
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Disc erasable: No, Disc status: 0x00, Last session
status: 0x00, Disc type: 2
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Sending OPC (Optimum Power Calibration)... OK!
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Writing the stuff to the CD/DVD disc >>>
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:Callback(): Target file size in UCHARs 821091024, LBs 3354
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:Callback(): TARGET_FILE_ANALYZE_END
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:Callback(): WAIT_CACHE_FULL_BEGIN
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:Callback(): Waiting for cache full not more then 953250 ms
... OK!
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:Callback(): WAIT_CACHE_FULL_END
1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 19% 20% 21% 22% 2
3% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 29% 30% 31% 32% 33% 34% 35% 36% 37% 38% 39% 40% 41% 42% 4
3% 44% 45% 46% 47% 48% 49% 50% 51% 52% 53% 54% 55% 56% 57% 58% 59% 60% 61% 62% 6
3% 64% 65% 66% 67% 68% 69% 70% 71% 72% 73% 74% 75% 76% 77% 78% 79% 80% 81% 82% 8
3% 84% 85% 86% 87% 88% 89% 90% 91% 92% 93% 94% 95% 96% 97% 98% 99%
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:Callback(): SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE_END
SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): Ejecting the disc... OK!

SessionAtOnceRawRawPW:main(): EXITing with success

My Asus appear to Rocks!

Thanks again for all....

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2006 7:46 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:03 am
Posts: 4089
Location: British Virgin Islands
Good. But on your place I would not release the software with such a restrictions. Just my 2 cents.

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