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 Post subject: FileTree walking
PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 10:03 am 

Joined: Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:30 pm
Posts: 8
Hi folks, Antonio again. 8)

This time I would like to get the files sizes from a tree walk as I've seen that the #4000FF structure has a member called #4000FF which is sized as a DWORD. So far so good.
But, the value stored in this memeber seems to be hard to interpret: for the first file in the tree, it reports as much as #FF0000blocks, each block of 2048 (as reported by #4000FF) for a file which has #00BF00bytes as Windows reports !! :cry:

What did I miss ?


 Post subject: Re: FileTree walking
PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 10:16 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:03 am
Posts: 4089
Location: British Virgin Islands
When the tree is not built this value is not calculated yet. Could you please send a log of code trace indicating when did you manage to catch such a crazy value?

 Post subject: Re: FileTree walking
PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 10:23 am 

Joined: Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:30 pm
Posts: 8
Hi Anton.

No need for log as the tree walk is done BEFORE running StarBurn_ISO9660JolietFileTree_BuildImage actually.
As per your comment, I guess that I must run this function first :roll:

Hold on a little while and I come back with more comments.


 Post subject: Re: FileTree walking
PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 10:48 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:03 am
Posts: 4089
Location: British Virgin Islands
Exactly... OK, please let us know.

 Post subject: Re: FileTree walking
PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 12:02 pm 

Joined: Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:30 pm
Posts: 8
Hi Anton, here we go again.

Attached you will see:
1. StarBurn debug file "StarBurn.log"
2. "StarWave.log"
3. DIRectory listing as per "D:\DB>dir /C /S/N" (dir.txt)
4. Output log for my application program(AppLog.txt).
5. Code snippet for deletion (code.pas)
Got all files ready: how to send them to you .
I just read your post about logs ...

You will see funny things.

Order of operations:
Res := StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_Create(wGraber, PCHAR(@EText[1] ),
sizeof(EText), Status, @FailInfo, @SitaBurnerCallback, wDevContext,
wDevice.Port,wDevice.Bus, wDevice.Target, wDevice.Lun, 64);
Res := StarBurn_ISO9660JolietFileTree_Create(FTrack, PCHAR(@ErrorText[1]), sizeof(ErrorText), Status,
@SitaBurnerCallback, @FTrackContext, TRUE,
FALSE, // No locked files - do not keep all the handles opened all the time
TRUE, // Use Level2 for ISO9660 names generation
a series of:
Res := StarBurn_ISO9660JolietFileTree_Add(FTrack, PCHAR(@ErrorText[1]), sizeof(ErrorText), Status, PChar(wPath),
Nil, FILE_TIME_LAST_WRITE, FIsoRoot, NewNode);
(one of then is D:\DB )
Res := StarBurn_ISO9660JolietFileTree_BuildImage(FTrack, PCHAR(@ErrorText[1]), sizeof(ErrorText), Status, 00000000,
FtreeDeep, //ISO9660_TREE_LEVEL
TRUE, 'Backup01', 'Sita Software', 'FBackupClient.exe');
Files deletion, (code attached as code.pas)

What's wrong ?


 Post subject: Re: FileTree walking
PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 12:32 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:03 am
Posts: 4089
Location: British Virgin Islands
Hmmm... Either I'm stupid or I don't understand where the problem is?

 Post subject: Re: FileTree walking
PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 12:36 pm 

Joined: Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:30 pm
Posts: 8
Hum, quite sure you aren't stupid at all.
BTW, did you get all the attachments with the last post ? If not, tell me how to send them.


 Post subject: Re: FileTree walking
PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 12:57 pm 

Joined: Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:30 pm
Posts: 8
OK let(s have an example.

Windows dir reports:
R‚pertoire de D:\DB

02/12/2009 13:30 <REP> .
02/12/2009 13:30 <REP> ..
11/11/2009 10:40 66.174.976 Autrebrol.gdb
01/12/2009 09:40 <REP> Backup
01/12/2009 09:40 <REP> BackupTest
01/12/2009 09:40 <REP> book
16/11/2009 13:31 6 brol_machin.xxx
11/11/2009 11:11 66.174.976 compta.fdb
02/12/2009 13:30 0 dir.txt
R‚pertoire de D:\DB\Backup\History\svbk_2009_11_05-15_57_script01

02/12/2009 13:01 <REP> .
02/12/2009 13:01 <REP> ..
05/11/2009 15:57 2.065.920 FBACKUPCLIENT.exe
12/12/2007 01:05 356.437 fbclient.dll
05/11/2009 16:03 1ÿ452 INDEX.DBF
02/11/2009 15:58 1.674.752 Restorer.exe
05/11/2009 08:36 39 Script01.scp
17/12/2001 05:00 200.704 sde60.dll
17/12/2001 05:00 278.528 Sdentx60.dll
28/03/2007 16:03 626.088 StarBurn.dll
05/11/2009 15:57 34 TempScript.tmp
05/11/2009 16:02 175.013 z20091105155711_Backup_G_BAK_FIREBIRD.zap
10 fichier(s) 5.378.967 octets

program log when adding files:
Adding name "d:\db\Backup\DBssss"
Adding name "d:\db\Backup\History\svbk_2009_11_05-15_57_script01\FBACKUPCLIENT.exe"
Adding name "d:\db\Backup\History\svbk_2009_11_05-15_57_script01\fbclient.dll"
Adding name "d:\db\Backup\History\svbk_2009_11_05-15_57_script01\INDEX.DBF"

so far, so good.
When walking thru the tree, application reports:
#4040BF (means StarBurn_ISO9660JolietFileTree_BuildImage has run)
start delete ".*(\.[fg]db)$"
Tree expand directory /
Tree kid is directory d:\db
Tree expand directory d:\db
Removing name "d:\db\Autrebrol.gdb"
Tree expand directory /
Tree kid is directory d:\db
Tree expand directory d:\db
Tree kid is directory d:\db\Backup
Tree expand directory d:\db\Backup
Tree kid is directory d:\db\Backup\DBssss
Tree expand directory d:\db\Backup\DBssss
Removing name "d:\db\Backup\DBssss\New File.gDb"
Tree expand directory /
Tree kid is directory d:\db
Tree expand directory d:\db
Tree kid is directory d:\db\Backup
Tree expand directory d:\db\Backup
Tree kid is directory d:\db\Backup\DBssss
Tree expand directory d:\db\Backup\DBssss
Tree kid is directory d:\db\Backup\DBssss\Youpla-boum
Tree expand directory d:\db\Backup\DBssss\Youpla-boum
Removing name "d:\db\Backup\DBssss\Youpla-boum\Machin.fdB"
Tree expand directory /
Tree kid is directory d:\db
Tree expand directory d:\db
Tree kid is directory d:\db\Backup
Tree expand directory d:\db\Backup
Tree kid is directory d:\db\Backup\DBssss
Tree expand directory d:\db\Backup\DBssss
Tree kid is directory d:\db\Backup\DBssss\Youpla-boum
Tree expand directory d:\db\Backup\DBssss\Youpla-boum
Tree kid is directory d:\db\Backup\History
Tree expand directory d:\db\Backup\History
Tree kid is directory d:\db\Backup\History\svbk_2009_11_05-15_57_script01
Tree expand directory d:\db\Backup\History\svbk_2009_11_05-15_57_script01
Tree kid is normal file not deleted d:\db\Backup\History\svbk_2009_11_05-15_57_script01\fbclient.dll, UCHARS:27756, LB:0
Tree kid is normal file not deleted d:\db\Backup\History\svbk_2009_11_05-15_57_script01\INDEX.DBF, UCHARS:0, LB:0
Tree kid is normal file not deleted d:\db\Backup\History\svbk_2009_11_05-15_57_script01\Restorer.exe, UCHARS:25976, LB:0
Tree kid is normal file not deleted d:\db\Backup\History\svbk_2009_11_05-15_57_script01\Script01.scp, UCHARS:28771, LB:0
Tree kid is normal file not deleted d:\db\Backup\History\svbk_2009_11_05-15_57_script01\sde60.dll, UCHARS:0, LB:0
Tree kid is normal file not deleted d:\db\Backup\History\svbk_2009_11_05-15_57_script01\Sdentx60.dll, UCHARS:27756, LB:0
Tree kid is normal file not deleted d:\db\Backup\History\svbk_2009_11_05-15_57_script01\StarBurn.dll, UCHARS:27756, LB:0
Tree kid is normal file not deleted d:\db\Backup\History\svbk_2009_11_05-15_57_script01\TempScript.tmp, UCHARS:1886221358, LB:0
Tree kid is normal file not deleted d:\db\Backup\History\svbk_2009_11_05-15_57_script01\z20091105155711_Backup_G_BAK_FIREBIRD.zap, UCHARS:7008268635025650997, LB:1886743395
Tree kid is normal file not deleted d:\db\Backup\New File.txt, UCHARS:29816, LB:0
Tree kid is normal file not deleted d:\db\Backup\New File2.txt, UCHARS:7633012, LB:0
Tree kid is directory d:\db\Backup\Scripts
Tree expand directory d:\db\Backup\Scripts
Tree kid is normal file not deleted d:\db\Backup\Scripts\script01.scp, UCHARS:28771, LB:0
Tree kid is directory d:\db\Backup\Tmp
Tree expand directory d:\db\Backup\Tmp

Red lines above, are files which have been deleted from the tree. Each time, the walk has been restarted from the very beginning as reported by the log above.
After those delete, have a look at the first file not deleted.
Then when you compare the sizeq from Windows dir and StarBurn, where do they come from ?


 Post subject: Re: FileTree walking
PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:10 am 

Joined: Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:27 pm
Posts: 16
Hello Antonio,

First of all, we did not receive any attachments :(
Did you send it via forum or via email?

Next, correct me if i wrong, you call deletion functions AFTER calling BuildImage function.
All changes to tree structure should be done before building an image.


 Post subject: Re: FileTree walking
PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:00 am 

Joined: Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:30 pm
Posts: 8
Hi Vitalii.

Sorry for not being there last friday, I was out of the office.
And yes, you're rigth: deletions must be done before building track.
There is the normal sequence of operations:

StarBurn_ISO9660JolietFileTree_Add all needed files and directories
StarBurn_ISO9660JolietFileTree_Remove any useless files
StarBurn_ISO9660JolietFileTree_GetSizeInUCHARs get its size
write it on HD
That's it.

A page containg a little user's guide would have been useful.
Anyway, everything works now.
Thankf for help.


 Post subject: Re: FileTree walking
PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:07 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:03 am
Posts: 4089
Location: British Virgin Islands
Initially I'd ask to follow the samples but after I've checked lastest one myself it looks like they are outrageous and very complex :(

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