#1 Burning Software

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 Post subject: Shareware price and other questions
PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 8:24 pm 
Hello Sir or Madam.

1. What license must I buy if I am individual but have a company (LLC) and developing single product (shareware) and selling this product from the name of my company - not from my name.
2. Where can I find example - how to erase CD-RW/DVD-RW

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 8:29 pm 
... and I also would like to know - does shareware version of your product display 'nag' screen.

p.p.s. Could you please contact with me at [email protected] to continue our conversation in russian

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 8:36 pm 
...and in addition:

do you provide any discounts for memebers of ISDEF/SWRUS/ASP?


p.s. you are also welcome to our ru shareware community group www.swrus.com that includes about 2000 shareware authors from SNG

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 8:38 pm 
..and do you have ability to get payments via vendor2vendor transfer at shareit or regnow?

Michael Lediaeff

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 10:07 pm 
I've tried to write some .exe files on my DVD-RW disk using NEC 1300A but it was unsuccessful.... :(

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 11:18 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:03 am
Posts: 4089
Location: British Virgin Islands
Can you provide us with a console output, DebugView log from debug version of DLL or just some more information except "unsuccessful"? I have NEC 1300A and did not have any problems with it so far.


Anonymous wrote:
I've tried to write some .exe files on my DVD-RW disk using NEC 1300A but it was unsuccessful.... :(

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 1:00 am 
Well. I've tried to write one .exe file. As I see in this log, this tool tries to read specified file as wave file one.

D:\Program Files\Rocket Division Software\StarBurn SDK FREE\Bin\Release>discatoncefromfile 2 0 0 0 -burn .\blank.exe

DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): ENTERed for 7 argument(s)

DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): 64 MBs of cache will be used during burn process
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Probing SCSI address 2:0:0:0 for CD/DVD burner device
... OK!
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Found CD/DVD device '_NEC ' - 'DVD_RW ND-1300A ' -
'1.08' with 2097152 UCHARs of cache
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Probing supported write modes... OK!
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Track-At-Once: Yes, Session-At-Once: Yes, Disc-At-Onc
e PQ: Yes, Disc-At-Once raw P-W: Yes
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Testing unit ready... OK!
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Getting BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) support... O
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Enabled: No, Support
ed: Yes
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Enabling BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection)... OK!
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Setting maximum supported CD/DVD speeds... OK!
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Getting current CD/DVD speeds... OK!
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Current read speed 7056 KBps (7056 maximum)
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Current write speed 2822 KBps (2822 maximum)
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Getting track information... OK!
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Track blank: Yes, NWA valid: Yes, free LBs 2295103, N
WA 0, track number 1
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Getting disc information... OK!
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Disc erasable: Yes, Disc status: 0x02, Last session s
tatus: 0x03, Disc type: 9
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Sending OPC (Optimum Power Calibration)... Failed!
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Writing the stuff to the CD/DVD disc >>>
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Processing file <.\blank.exe>, 1 file from 1 file(s)
StarWave_WaveFileHeaderVerify(): m__ULONG__Riff == 0x905a4d instead of 0x4646495
2, status 87 ( 0x57 )
StarWave_UncompressedFileSupportedIs(): StarWave_WaveFileHeaderVerify( 0x00127EE
8 ) failed, status 87 ( 0x57 )
CStarWave_ReadOnlyFileStream::QueryInterface(): RIID recognition failed, status
1168 ( 0x490 ) or -2147467262 ( 0x80004002 )
CStarWave_ReadOnlyFileStream::QueryInterface(): <<< *** EXITing with failure, st
atus 1168 ( 0x490 )
CStarWave_ReadOnlyFileStream::Seek(): WARNING! IsBadWritePtr( 0x00000000, 8 ) fa
CStarWave_ReadOnlyFileStream::Seek(): WARNING! IsBadWritePtr( 0x00000000, 8 ) fa
CStarWave_SyncFileReader::Open(): m__PIWMSyncReader->OpenStream( 0x003D95E8 ) fa
iled, status -1072889818 ( 0xc00d0026 )
CStarWave_SyncFileReader::Open(): <<< *** EXITing with failure, status -10728898
18 ( 0xc00d0026 )
StarWave_CompressedFileReaderObjectCreate(): l__PSTARWAVE_COMPRESSED_FILE_READER
_OBJECT->m__PCStarWave_SyncFileReader->Open( '.\BLANK.EXE' ) failed, status -107
2889818 ( 0xc00d0026 )
StarWave_CompressedFileSupportedIs(): StarWave_CompressedFileReaderObjectCreate(
0x00128000, '.\BLANK.EXE' ) failed, status -1072889818 ( 0xc00d0026 )

DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_DiscAtOncePQ[RawPW]FromFil
e() failed, exception 10, status 31, text 'CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::DiscAtOn
ceRawPW(): Disc type (9) not valid for DAO!!!'

DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): EXITing with failure

D:\Program Files\Rocket Division Software\StarBurn SDK FREE\Bin\Release>

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 5:35 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:03 am
Posts: 4089
Location: British Virgin Islands

1) tool really tries to pick up every file as an audio track file. And fails in your particular case. This is normal as EXE file is not supported audio file track.

2) Disc-At-Once burning mode is not supported by DVD-RW discs. Only Track-At-Once can be used. This is what was told you in the line:

"Disc type (9) not valid for DAO!!!"

3) You're trying to burn .exe file as a track not as file which is part of the file system itself. Far from the best idea... TrackAtOnceFromTree.exe sample should be used in your case.


Anonymous wrote:
Well. I've tried to write one .exe file. As I see in this log, this tool tries to read specified file as wave file one.

D:\Program Files\Rocket Division Software\StarBurn SDK FREE\Bin\Release>discatoncefromfile 2 0 0 0 -burn .\blank.exe

DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): ENTERed for 7 argument(s)

DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): 64 MBs of cache will be used during burn process
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Probing SCSI address 2:0:0:0 for CD/DVD burner device
... OK!
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Found CD/DVD device '_NEC ' - 'DVD_RW ND-1300A ' -
'1.08' with 2097152 UCHARs of cache
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Probing supported write modes... OK!
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Track-At-Once: Yes, Session-At-Once: Yes, Disc-At-Onc
e PQ: Yes, Disc-At-Once raw P-W: Yes
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Testing unit ready... OK!
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Getting BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) support... O
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Enabled: No, Support
ed: Yes
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Enabling BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection)... OK!
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Setting maximum supported CD/DVD speeds... OK!
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Getting current CD/DVD speeds... OK!
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Current read speed 7056 KBps (7056 maximum)
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Current write speed 2822 KBps (2822 maximum)
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Getting track information... OK!
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Track blank: Yes, NWA valid: Yes, free LBs 2295103, N
WA 0, track number 1
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Getting disc information... OK!
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Disc erasable: Yes, Disc status: 0x02, Last session s
tatus: 0x03, Disc type: 9
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Sending OPC (Optimum Power Calibration)... Failed!
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Writing the stuff to the CD/DVD disc >>>
DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): Processing file <.\blank.exe>, 1 file from 1 file(s)
StarWave_WaveFileHeaderVerify(): m__ULONG__Riff == 0x905a4d instead of 0x4646495
2, status 87 ( 0x57 )
StarWave_UncompressedFileSupportedIs(): StarWave_WaveFileHeaderVerify( 0x00127EE
8 ) failed, status 87 ( 0x57 )
CStarWave_ReadOnlyFileStream::QueryInterface(): RIID recognition failed, status
1168 ( 0x490 ) or -2147467262 ( 0x80004002 )
CStarWave_ReadOnlyFileStream::QueryInterface(): <<< *** EXITing with failure, st
atus 1168 ( 0x490 )
CStarWave_ReadOnlyFileStream::Seek(): WARNING! IsBadWritePtr( 0x00000000, 8 ) fa
CStarWave_ReadOnlyFileStream::Seek(): WARNING! IsBadWritePtr( 0x00000000, 8 ) fa
CStarWave_SyncFileReader::Open(): m__PIWMSyncReader->OpenStream( 0x003D95E8 ) fa
iled, status -1072889818 ( 0xc00d0026 )
CStarWave_SyncFileReader::Open(): <<< *** EXITing with failure, status -10728898
18 ( 0xc00d0026 )
StarWave_CompressedFileReaderObjectCreate(): l__PSTARWAVE_COMPRESSED_FILE_READER
_OBJECT->m__PCStarWave_SyncFileReader->Open( '.\BLANK.EXE' ) failed, status -107
2889818 ( 0xc00d0026 )
StarWave_CompressedFileSupportedIs(): StarWave_CompressedFileReaderObjectCreate(
0x00128000, '.\BLANK.EXE' ) failed, status -1072889818 ( 0xc00d0026 )

DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_DiscAtOncePQ[RawPW]FromFil
e() failed, exception 10, status 31, text 'CStarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber::DiscAtOn
ceRawPW(): Disc type (9) not valid for DAO!!!'

DiscAtOnceFromFile:main(): EXITing with failure

D:\Program Files\Rocket Division Software\StarBurn SDK FREE\Bin\Release>

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 4:40 pm 
Thank you very much for your promptly asnwers!

Yes, trackatonce works fine and it burns my DVD-RW and CD-RW.

Some new questions:

1. how can I create multiple sessions on DVD-RW disk (using your sample utilities)? I mean - how to use diskatoncefromtree utility to write one folder, and then add new folders to the existing disk? At this moment it replaces visible disk contents by the latest added folder(s).
2. Is there any way to show progress bar (numbers) during formatting disk
3. How can I make a decision - what write method to use at any writtable disk (disk at once, session at once, trackatonce) - I mean do you have any technical manual?


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 4:40 pm 
... I meant 'trackatonce' not diskatonce in the previous message

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 7:40 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:03 am
Posts: 4089
Location: British Virgin Islands
1. I'm really sorry to say this but StarBurn does not support multisession DVDs yet (shame on us!). I know it's a pity and we're working on fixing this. Multisession DVD enabled version would be released in next few monthes. Current users would be issued with multisession DVD supported version FREE OF CHARGE.

2. No. You need to create own approximations from disc size and burning speed (like Nero does). This topic was discussed here for a while.

3. You need to call StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_ProbeSupportedWriteModes(...). You'll be reported about write modes your current combination of drive + inserted media supports. Track-At-Once is always possible, however.

Anonymous wrote:
Thank you very much for your promptly asnwers!

Yes, trackatonce works fine and it burns my DVD-RW and CD-RW.

Some new questions:

1. how can I create multiple sessions on DVD-RW disk (using your sample utilities)? I mean - how to use diskatoncefromtree utility to write one folder, and then add new folders to the existing disk? At this moment it replaces visible disk contents by the latest added folder(s).
2. Is there any way to show progress bar (numbers) during formatting disk
3. How can I make a decision - what write method to use at any writtable disk (disk at once, session at once, trackatonce) - I mean do you have any technical manual?


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 9:21 pm 
2. Progress bar. Is is possible to calculate the time needed to *quick* format the drive?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 8:35 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:03 am
Posts: 4089
Location: British Virgin Islands
So you need to burn around 20 megabytes. Kind of constant. Get current burning speed (before this step you may wish to set it to maxumum supported) and whole time is ( 20 * 1024 ) / burning_speed_in_KBps. And create a thread to push the progress independently from (possibly) blocked erase thread. That's all...

Anonymous wrote:
2. Progress bar. Is is possible to calculate the time needed to *quick* format the drive?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 3:50 pm 
No, no ;)

I just want to quickly _format_ drive, no burning. This operation takes several minutes but how my software can estimate the needed time.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 8:06 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:03 am
Posts: 4089
Location: British Virgin Islands
We do not support Packet-At-Once writing and have no plans to support it.

Anonymous wrote:
No, no ;)

I just want to quickly _format_ drive, no burning. This operation takes several minutes but how my software can estimate the needed time.

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