#1 Burning Software

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 Post subject: StarBurn SDK 5.12.2 released
PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 12:44 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:03 am
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Location: British Virgin Islands
List of changes since last build:

1) StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_VerifyTreeEx(...) fixed. Now correct failed LBA reported instead of zero if read from media was unsuccessful.

2) New API calls for DVD-Video creation added. Now there's no need to manually build UDF/ISO bridge file system. Instead of it you'll just have to point to VIDEO_TS folder content and whole process would be automatic from that point. New samples DVDVideoBuildImageEx and DVDVideoTrackAtOnceEx showing new functionality added.

3) IFO/BUP patching code removed from public SDK headers.

4) StarBurn_ISO9660JolietFileTree_GetNamesEx(...) API call added. Now we can get file system dependent names.

5) StarBurn_SetIsCollisionDetectionDisabled(...) and StarBurn_GetIsCollisionDetectionDisabled(...) API calls added. Now ISO9660/Joliet tree building process could be speed up quite a lot.

6) StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_VerifyTreeEx(...) API call and DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_VERIFY_READ_RETRIES define added. Now we can provide number of retries for verification process. All samples updated.

7) GrabTrackCooked(...) fixed. Now we don't put "fail in suspected gap area" where not required and also don't swallow errors and generate default pattern for modes when we asked to abort on unrecoverable error.

8) CStarBurn_StarWaveFile(...) fixed to allow us to provide padding to audio tracks to at least 300 logical blocks. Now small audio files would not produce errors while burning.

9) OCX is now official part of the SDK. C# sample for DVD-Video recording, StarX JavaScript demo and some console small JavaScript samples added to SDK.

10) DataBurner sample for DataCD/DVD recording in CBuilder and Delphi added to SDK. More samples would be added in the next releases.

11) StarOpen now has a version for AMD64. So now 64-bit users also can have non-Admin access to their burning hardware.

12) Exclusive mode added to StarOpen. Now it's possible to get exclusive access to hardware so no other burning app would spoil the process.

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