#1 Burning Software

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 Post subject: Errors when Testing Video Burner Example
PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:39 am 

Joined: Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:25 am
Posts: 43

I'm testing the Video Burning GUI example under Delphi 2006 and am getting a lot of errors (typically when trying to erase and reburn to a disk).

When reburning I always get one of two errors:

1. StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_VideoCD() failed, exception 8, status 0, text "CStarBurn_ScsiTransportASPI::ExecuteCDB(): Command failed"

2. StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_VideoCD() failed, exception 5, status 2, text "CStarBurn_DiskFile::CStarBurn_DiskFile(): CreateFile( 'C:\Medico.mpg' ) failed, status 2!!!"

Often these errors are followed by a lot of A/V's that require the app to be terminated

The logs are below

Burning Video CD/DVD
Destination device: DVDRAM GSA-H10N
Dis? will be erased before burning
Source video file:: D:\Testing_Multimedia\jardin.mpg
1:06:14 p.m. Erase started
1:06:14 p.m. Erase speed: 48.0x
1:06:14 p.m. Erase completed
1:06:14 p.m. 160 MBs of cache will be used during burn process
1:06:14 p.m. Testing unit ready
1:06:14 p.m. Track-At-Once: Yes, Session-At-Once: Yes, Disc-At-Once PQ: Yes, Disc-At-Once raw P-W: Yes
1:06:14 p.m. Getting BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) support
1:06:14 p.m. BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Enabled: No, Supported: Yes
1:06:14 p.m. Enabling BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection)
1:06:14 p.m. Setting CD/DVD speeds
1:06:14 p.m. Getting current CD/DVD speeds
1:06:14 p.m. Current read speed 8467 KBps (8467 maximum)
1:06:14 p.m. Current write speed 8467 KBps (8467 maximum)
1:06:14 p.m. Getting track information
1:06:14 p.m. StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GetTrackInformation() failed, exception 8, status 0, text "CStarBurn_ScsiTransportASPI::ExecuteCDB(): Command failed"
1:06:14 p.m. Track Blank: No, NWA valid: No, free LBs 0, track ¹ 0
1:06:14 p.m. Getting disc information
1:06:14 p.m. Disc erasable: No, Disc status: 0x 2, Last session status: 0x 3, Disc type: 2
1:06:14 p.m. Sending OPC (Optimum Power Calibration)
1:06:15 p.m. Burning started
1:06:18 p.m. StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_VideoCD() failed, exception 8, status 0, text "CStarBurn_ScsiTransportASPI::ExecuteCDB(): Command failed"

Burning Video CD/DVD
Destination device: DVDRAM GSA-H10N
Dis? will be erased before burning
Source video file:: C:\Medico.mpg
12:57:41 p.m. Erase started
12:57:41 p.m. Erase speed: 48.0x
12:57:41 p.m. Erase completed
12:57:41 p.m. 160 MBs of cache will be used during burn process
12:57:41 p.m. Testing unit ready
12:57:41 p.m. Track-At-Once: Yes, Session-At-Once: Yes, Disc-At-Once PQ: Yes, Disc-At-Once raw P-W: Yes
12:57:41 p.m. Getting BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) support
12:57:41 p.m. BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection) Enabled: No, Supported: Yes
12:57:41 p.m. Enabling BUP (Buffer Underrun Protection)
12:57:41 p.m. Setting CD/DVD speeds
12:57:41 p.m. Getting current CD/DVD speeds
12:57:41 p.m. Current read speed 8467 KBps (8467 maximum)
12:57:41 p.m. Current write speed 8467 KBps (8467 maximum)
12:57:41 p.m. Getting track information
12:57:41 p.m. StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_GetTrackInformation() failed, exception 8, status 0, text "CStarBurn_ScsiTransportASPI::ExecuteCDB(): Command failed"
12:57:41 p.m. Track Blank: No, NWA valid: No, free LBs 0, track ¹ 0
12:57:41 p.m. Getting disc information
12:57:41 p.m. Disc erasable: No, Disc status: 0x 2, Last session status: 0x 3, Disc type: 2
12:57:41 p.m. Sending OPC (Optimum Power Calibration)
12:57:41 p.m. Burning started
12:57:42 p.m. StarBurn_CdvdBurnerGrabber_VideoCD() failed, exception 5, status 2, text "CStarBurn_DiskFile::CStarBurn_DiskFile(): CreateFile( 'C:\Medico.mpg' ) failed, status 2!!!"

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:25 am 

The status 2 means that StarBurn can't find C:\Medico.mpg file. Check that it really exists on that path.

To understand the reason of exception 8, status 0, we need StarBurn debug logs from you. Please read FAQ included in StarBurn SDK how to create debug logs and send the log to [email protected].

Alexander Orlovsky

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