We are currently evaluating the starburn sdk for our products, i am trying to use the starburnx wrapper to simplify the development, but sadly when i try to build the project every time i get a eolesyserror B756C224-A1EA-44F8-95C1-9F726040C800 which is the starburnx class.
The project refuses to run, but i can run it outside of the ide but well that's unusable, to make it even harder to troubleshoot starburnx will not generate the log file.
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Starburnx1.InitializeEx('',STARBURN_TRANSPORT_SPTD );
starburnx1.Debugfacility:=STARBURN_DEBUG_FACILITY_FILE ;
The gathered exception info =
<Group ID="2" Label="Exception">
<Line ID="2.1" Label="Date" Value="Wed, 1 Jun 2011 11:39:23 +0200"/>
<Line ID="2.2" Label="Address" Value="00525BA8"/>
<Line ID="2.3" Label="Module Name" Value="Project1.exe"/>
<Line ID="2.4" Label="Module Version" Value=""/>
<Line ID="2.5" Label="Type" Value="EOleSysError"/>
<Line ID="2.6" Label="Message" Value="De server heeft een uitzondering geretourneerd, ClassID: {B756C224-A1EA-44F8-95C1-9F726040C800}."/>
<Line ID="2.7" Label="ID" Value="AF19"/>
<Line ID="2.8" Label="Count" Value="1"/>
<Line ID="2.9" Label="Status" Value="New"/>
<Line ID="2.10" Label="Note" Value=""/>
<ExceptionThread ID="964" Priority="0" Class="" MainThread="True">
<Line Address="77697012" Module="ntdll.dll" Unit="" Class="" Procedure="KiUserExceptionDispatcher" Number="" Offset=""/>
<Line Address="7587E310" Module="KERNELBASE.dll" Unit="" Class="" Procedure="GetFileAttributesW" Number="" Offset=""/>
<Line Address="77696262" Module="ntdll.dll" Unit="" Class="" Procedure="NtQueryVirtualMemory" Number="" Offset=""/>
<Line Address="75878EB5" Module="KERNELBASE.dll" Unit="" Class="" Procedure="VirtualQueryEx" Number="" Offset=""/>
<Line Address="75878E9E" Module="KERNELBASE.dll" Unit="" Class="" Procedure="VirtualQueryEx" Number="" Offset=""/>
<Line Address="75878EDF" Module="KERNELBASE.dll" Unit="" Class="" Procedure="VirtualQuery" Number="" Offset=""/>
<Line Address="763B76D6" Module="kernel32.dll" Unit="" Class="" Procedure="VirtualQuery" Number="" Offset=""/>
<Line Address="763B64FF" Module="kernel32.dll" Unit="" Class="" Procedure="GetFileAttributesW" Number="" Offset=""/>
<Line Address="763ABF00" Module="kernel32.dll" Unit="" Class="" Procedure="GetLastError" Number="" Offset=""/>
<Line Address="77684CC0" Module="ntdll.dll" Unit="" Class="" Procedure="memcpy" Number="" Offset=""/>
<Line Address="0052830B" Module="Project1.exe" Unit="StarBurnXLib_TLB.pas" Class="TStarBurnX" Procedure="Connect" Number="4988" Offset="3"/>
<Line Address="005283C8" Module="Project1.exe" Unit="StarBurnXLib_TLB.pas" Class="TStarBurnX" Procedure="GetDefaultInterface" Number="5010" Offset="2"/>
<Line Address="005283B8" Module="Project1.exe" Unit="StarBurnXLib_TLB.pas" Class="TStarBurnX" Procedure="GetDefaultInterface" Number="5008" Offset="0"/>
<Line Address="00528873" Module="Project1.exe" Unit="StarBurnXLib_TLB.pas" Class="TStarBurnX" Procedure="InitializeEx" Number="5076" Offset="1"/>
<Line Address="00528850" Module="Project1.exe" Unit="StarBurnXLib_TLB.pas" Class="TStarBurnX" Procedure="InitializeEx" Number="5075" Offset="0"/>
<Line Address="00529B5C" Module="Project1.exe" Unit="Unit1.pas" Class="TForm1" Procedure="FormCreate" Number="38" Offset="1"/>
<Line Address="00530E55" Module="Project1.exe" Unit="Project1.dpr" Class="" Procedure="" Number="14" Offset="3"/>
<Line Address="763B3C43" Module="kernel32.dll" Unit="" Class="" Procedure="GetModuleFileNameW" Number="" Offset=""/>
<Line Address="" Command="" Comment=" ComObj.CreateComObject (Line=0 - Offset=0)"/>
<Line Address="" Command="" Comment=" ------------------------------------------"/>
<Line Address="00525B80" Command="mov [ebp-$14], eax" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525B83" Command="mov byte ptr [ebp-$10], $11" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525B87" Command="lea edx, [ebp-$1C]" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525B8A" Command="mov ecx, $00000001 " Comment=" ''..."/>
<Line Address="00525B8F" Command="mov eax, $00525BFC " Comment=" '%'"/>
<Line Address="00525B94" Command="call SysUtils.Format" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525B99" Command="mov ecx, [ebp-$0C]" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525B9C" Command="mov dl, $01" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525B9E" Command="mov eax, dword ptr [ComObj.ComObj]" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525BA3" Command="call ComObj.EOleSysError.Create" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525BA8" Command="call Project1.System._RaiseExcept " Comment=" <-- EXCEPTION"/>
<Line Address="00525BAD" Command="call Project1.System._DoneExcept" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525BB2" Command="xor eax, eax" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525BB4" Command="pop edx" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525BB5" Command="pop ecx" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525BB6" Command="pop ecx" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525BB7" Command="mov fs:[eax], edx" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525BBA" Command="push $00525BD7 " Comment=" '_^[‹å]Ã'"/>
<Line Address="00525BBF" Command="lea eax, [ebp-$20]" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525BC2" Command="call Project1.System._UStrClr" Comment=""/>
<Line Address="00525BC7" Command="lea eax, [ebp-$0C]" Comment=""/>
<Registers EAX="00852C98" EBX="00852CC0" ECX="00525500" EDX="00525BAD" EDI="0012FDCC" ESI="00000000" ESP="0012F7A0" EIP="00525BA8"/>
<Line Address="0012F7A0" Value="00000000"/>
<Line Address="0012F7A4" Value="00525A85"/>
<Line Address="0012F7A8" Value="00852CC0"/>
<Line Address="0012F7AC" Value="0012F8AC"/>
<Line Address="0012F7B0" Value="0012F7D8"/>
<Line Address="0012F7B4" Value="0012F7E4"/>
<Line Address="0012F7B8" Value="00000000"/>
<Line Address="0012F7BC" Value="00000000"/>
<Line Address="0012F7C0" Value="00000000"/>
<Line Address="0012F7C4" Value="776971B9"/>
<Line Address="0012F7C8" Value="0012F8AC"/>
<Line Address="0012F7CC" Value="0012FDCC"/>
<Line Address="0012F7D0" Value="0012F8DC"/>
<Line Address="0012F7D4" Value="0012F880"/>
<Line Address="0012F7D8" Value="0012FDCC"/>
<Line Address="0012F7DC" Value="776971CD"/>
<Line Address="00525BA8" Bytes="E8 BF 03 EE FF E8 7E 04 EE FF 33 C0 5A 59 59 64" Chars="......~...3.ZYYd"/>
<Line Address="00525BB8" Bytes="89 10 68 D7 5B 52 00 8D 45 E0 E8 39 1B EE FF 8D" Chars="..h.[R..E..9...."/>
<Line Address="00525BC8" Bytes="45 F4 E8 31 1B EE FF C3 E9 F3 01 EE FF EB E8 5F" Chars="E..1..........._"/>
<Line Address="00525BD8" Bytes="5E 5B 8B E5 5D C3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00" Chars="^[..]..........."/>
<Line Address="00525BE8" Bytes="C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 46 B0 04 02 00 FF FF FF FF" Chars=".......F........"/>
<Line Address="00525BF8" Bytes="0F 00 00 00 25 00 73 00 2C 00 20 00 43 00 6C 00" Chars="....%.s.,. .C.l."/>
<Line Address="00525C08" Bytes="61 00 73 00 73 00 49 00 44 00 3A 00 20 00 25 00" Chars="a.s.s.I.D.:. .%."/>
<Line Address="00525C18" Bytes="73 00 00 00 55 8B EC 83 C4 A4 53 56 57 33 DB 89" Chars="s...U.....SVW3.."/>
<Line Address="00525C28" Bytes="5D A8 89 5D A4 89 4D F0 8B F2 8B D8 8D 45 F4 8B" Chars="]..]..M......E.."/>
<Line Address="00525C38" Bytes="15 94 F1 41 00 E8 EA 27 EE FF 33 C0 55 68 66 5D" Chars="...A...'..3.Uhf]"/>
<Line Address="00525C48" Bytes="52 00 64 FF 30 64 89 20 83 3D D4 9A 53 00 00 75" Chars="R.d.0d. .=..S..u"/>
<Line Address="00525C58" Bytes="17 8B 0D 08 9C 53 00 B2 01 A1 94 E1 40 00 E8 A9" Chars=".....S......@..."/>
<Line Address="00525C68" Bytes="2F EF FF E8 FC 02 EE FF 8D 45 DC 33 C9 BA 10 00" Chars="/........E.3...."/>
<Line Address="00525C78" Bytes="00 00 E8 B9 EF ED FF 8B C3 E8 EE 18 EE FF 89 45" Chars="...............E"/>
<Line Address="00525C88" Bytes="E0 56 BE 74 5D 52 00 8D 7D CC A5 A5 A5 A5 5E 8D" Chars=".V.t]R..}.....^."/>
<Line Address="00525C98" Bytes="45 CC 89 45 F4 8D 45 F8 E8 03 49 EE FF 33 C0 89" Chars="E..E..E...I..3"/>
Anyone ?
or is the wrapper not usable in d2010.
W Wijnia
Avesis BV
The netherlands
[email protected]www.avesis.nl